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All posts for Kord
Removing components from message with edit
Basic bot isnt... doing anything?
Generate files based on annotation
(Not Kord) Deserialize JSON with unordered fields (Kotlin Serialization)
Select Intent
Bot reccuringly not responding at specific times on dev.kord.gateway.DefaultGateway
Error after adding kord dependency
Get Heartbeat of Gateway
Is there a good way to register all commands at once?
Adding a file to a message using getResourceAsStream
Embed markdown for headers not working properly
Ephemeral message
Custom status/activity
Dependency conflicts...
Opus stream to wav?
Commands stop working after running for a longer amount of time
How do I get the category a channel is in?
Possible to intercept a request to modify the payload?
How do you create an embed?
How to add a file to a message as an attachment?
Missing `DiscordChannel.message` for thread channels
Check if embed is removed by user
How to generate push messages in channels?
User installed command events not being received.
Does receiveVoice still work?
Can't get guild members
Is there a way to make kord automatically reconnect after an error?
[Kotlin/Native] Slow connection issues
Is Kord meant for other api features other than bots?
Check if embed, actionRow etc. has been modified
[Kotlin/Native] Linking stage fails
`getMember` not writing to Member cache?
Cancelling the event listener job inside the event listener
Is Kord#getApplicationInfo() cached?
Can't find a way to disconnect/kick someone
Runtime Error
Publish multiplatform library (not Discord bot)
Support of native targets (not Discord bot)
Join voice channel
Compilation error with KSP
Running distribution inside docker container?
How do I add components to an interaction response?
kord cache method doesn't exist
Unknown message/webhook/interaction null
Avoid to re-render buttons and other things
How do I unregister commands to reregister them with updates?
DefaultGateway error: Failed to parse literal 'null' as a long value
Clearing Buttons/Actionrows
Command Registering extremely slow
Multiplatform interface problem
Passing data through interactions
Gradlew run for bot
Managing commands
Chat input command trailing lambda separation
Interaction: Valid action without modify interaction message
Easy way to register commands
`Unresolved reference: int` when creating input command
Event when ephemeral message is deleted by user
Menu & Edit response
Align field in embed
Interaction option
Interaction disable button
Remove old commands
Is there a way to use Kord with Springboot to login, run a quick command, and logout for an endpoint
Extract the thread id from a ThreadCreated message
Is there a way to get user status?
Is there a way to serialize PublicMessageInteractionResponseBehavior ?
Understanding default caching behaviour
Possible to detect verification level of user?
Change timeout threshold for requests
Error Json parsing
Getting all messages in chronological order
Creating channel with permission overwrites yields a "Zero length BigInteger"
Import dev.kord.x:emoji
Forcibly getting messages from REST
Getting members on Guild type doesn't return same amount members as when getting memberCount from it
Weird internal coroutines machinery exception
Outdated wiki
Responses to messages
Delete commands
LiveCategories and child channel events
Store element in current coroutine context
Edit message components in-place
Modal cancellation
Kord doesn't reconnect
did y'all break caching 🤔
Old message content
Message Featuring
[Solved with PR] Custom RequestBuilder