Clearing Buttons/Actionrows
How can i clear actionsrows/buttons of a message?
I had two ideas:
The first one does not send an update to discord.
The second only adds actionRows to the components set
11 Replies
components = emptyList()
so i tried like this but it doesnt have any impact on the messages

are you sure the code is being run? do you have the messages intent?
pretty sure because i can create messages and add actionrows to them
iterates all the messages in the channel though, you can't just get messages from the API without the intentthis is my configuration

ah, you're using KordEx
Oh yes, sorry should have mentioned it
I mean yeah just setting the components to an empty list should work
that's why I'm wondering if your code is actually being run
maybe stick a breakpoint in it
oh wait
you're using onEach
that's a flow
onEach on its own won't do anything, you still need to consume the flow
wow im dumb