(Not Kord) Deserialize JSON with unordered fields (Kotlin Serialization)
Select Intent
intents {
intents {
Bot reccuringly not responding at specific times
java.io.EOFException on dev.kord.gateway.DefaultGateway
Error after adding kord dependency
Get Heartbeat of Gateway
Is there a good way to register all commands at once?
getKord().createGlobalApplicationCommands {}
to function
But unless i wanna create a massive file with every command in there seperately, it wont work....Adding a file to a message using getResourceAsStream
val imageStream = javaClass.getResourceAsStream("/images/headerLink.png")
?: throw IllegalArgumentException("Image not found: /images/headerLink.png")
val imageStream = javaClass.getResourceAsStream("/images/headerLink.png")
?: throw IllegalArgumentException("Image not found: /images/headerLink.png")
ChannelProvider { imageStream.toByteReadChannel() }
Embed markdown for headers not working properly
Ephemeral message
if (!isAdmin) {message.channel.createMessage(content = "You don't have enough permissions!")}
if (!isAdmin) {message.channel.createMessage(content = "You don't have enough permissions!")}
Custom status/activity
ClassNotFoundException: kotlinx.io.unsafe.UnsafeBufferOperations
ClassNotFoundException: kotlinx.io.unsafe.UnsafeBufferOperations
. I have all the libraries loading, including kotlinx-io-core-jvm
which the error is from. Any clues what could be the problem?Dependency conflicts...
Opus stream to wav?
Commands stop working after running for a longer amount of time
How do I get the category a channel is in?
Possible to intercept a request to modify the payload?
</slash command:id>
in several commands but I can't hardcode it as the ID changes whenever you update a command. So I just cache all the command IDs on load, but then I'd still have to format it in every single response. Instead I'd like to just intercept the request and format it in one function than every command I have or will add....How do you create an embed?
How to add a file to a message as an attachment?
but to no avail, and I can't find how to do this anywhere. I have a File
(and its path as a String
) and I wanna attach it in a createMessage
. That's it. 🙂
Edit : forgot to mention but I use Kotlin, not Groovy...