Publish multiplatform library (not Discord bot)
Support of native targets (not Discord bot)
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Compilation error with KSP
> Task :kspKotlinMingwX64 FAILED
e: Could not find "org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-datetime-cinterop-date" in [C:\Users\1\Desktop\kotlin\Cordex, D:\.konan\klib, D:\.konan\kotlin-native-prebuilt-windows-x86_64-1.9.22\klib\common, D:\.konan\kotlin-native-prebuilt-windows-x86_64-1.9.22\klib\platform\mingw_x64]
> Task :kspKotlinMingwX64 FAILED
e: Could not find "org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-datetime-cinterop-date" in [C:\Users\1\Desktop\kotlin\Cordex, D:\.konan\klib, D:\.konan\kotlin-native-prebuilt-windows-x86_64-1.9.22\klib\common, D:\.konan\kotlin-native-prebuilt-windows-x86_64-1.9.22\klib\platform\mingw_x64]
Running distribution inside docker container?
How do I add components to an interaction response?
event.interaction.respondEphemeral {
content = ""
event.interaction.respondEphemeral {
content = ""
kord cache method doesn't exist
include implementation("dev.kord:kord-core:0.14.0")...Unknown message/webhook/interaction null
still works thoughAvoid to re-render buttons and other things
How do I unregister commands to reregister them with updates?
DefaultGateway error: Failed to parse literal 'null' as a long value
, using Eclipse Temurin 21....Clearing Buttons/Actionrows
Command Registering extremely slow
Multiplatform interface problem
Passing data through interactions
property, but dunno if it's somehow related to that. Or should I just create an object holding my data and store it until used or a certain amount of time is reached?Gradlew run for bot
Managing commands
Chat input command trailing lambda separation
Interaction: Valid action without modify interaction message
interaction.deferPublicMessageUpdate().edit { }
with nothing in it. That works but I think that's not the clean solution...Easy way to register commands