


Nuxt Community Chat Server


Nuxt Context error despite onNuxtReady

Hello I have the following error : Uncaught Error: [nuxt] A composable that requires access to the Nuxt instance was called outside of a plugin, Nuxt hook, Nuxt middleware, or Vue setup function. This is probably not a Nuxt bug. Find out more at ...

Nuxt 2 and onesignal

Has anyone of you worked with nuxt 2 and onsesignal, if yes please share code example or anything that can help me get this done. Thanks in advance

How do I add font files in Nuxt?

I have a font called "Urbanist" which contains a bunch of .tff files where do I put this in order to use it?

Error 500 in nuxt using reverse proxy with nginx

I have my nuxtjs application deployed, and in turn I have an NGINX configured with a proxy reverse that points to the Nuxt app, but I get an error 500 always by Nuxt here's my nginx config ```nginx...
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unit test help

My tests dont seem to toggle/switch the icon. the renderSuspended just shows the icon 'light mode' sun thing no matter what. anyone know what part of this test is incorrect/?

Error when running a vanilla Nuxt UI V3 app

I get this when I install and run a Nuxt UI v3 app: ```bash 22.06.50] ERROR (node:113075) ExperimentalWarning: CommonJS module /home/kaspernowak/development/subtly-stack/frontend/.nuxt/nuxtui-tailwind.config.cjs is loading ES Module /home/kaspernowak/development/subtly-stack/frontend/node_modules/.pnpm/@[email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected]@_zc6sjfyp4c7evy7q42zrsrclzy/node_modules/@nuxt/ui/dist/runtime/utils/colors.js using require(). Support for loading ES Module in require() is an experimental feature and might change at any time (Use node --trace-warnings ... to show where the warning was created)...
npx nuxi init -t ui3 <app> did it. No errors here

Tooltip with Backdrop filter blur

I have a tooltip ( and when I'm using backdrop-filter with blur to apply that in the background of the tooltip child, the tooltip stops showing in the page. Do you guys have any idea on what's happening? I have a simple background color with filter

Where to store Accesstoken for SSR?

Hi, I am trying to upgrade my Nuxt App + external REST API to OAuth. I tried a few Nuxt OAuth options listed on the Nuxt Modules Page, but all of them seem to be designed for the built-in Nuxt API. I then decided to use nuxt-auth-utils. I found no way to access the OAuth Accesstoken on client side, so because I needed the OAuth Accesstoken for my API I also added an Nuxt-API endpoint which returns the accessToken. The client can call that, gets identified via its nuxt-auth-utils session, and gets the Accesstoken, which is currently cached in localStorage to not strain the Nuxt-API on every useFetch request which handles getting the Accesstoken. I also added Accesstoken refreshing via an Nuxt-API endpoint, but that works without problem so I will not go deeper into that. Problem: It of course has no access to the localStorage in SSR, and because of that the custom useApiFetch composable (which handles getting the AccessToken and adds it to the Authorization headers) tries to call the "get Accesstoken from Nuxt-API" endpoint first, and after that it injects the accessToken into the header options and finally the custom useFetch composable returns a new return useFetch(url, options) so that the vue components can work with the returned data. This unfortunately gives me the following error: A composable that requires access to the Nuxt instance was called outside of a plugin, Nuxt hook, Nuxt middleware, or Vue setup function. This is probably not a Nuxt bug. I tracked it down to be caused by multiple useFetch usages within the composable: 1) useFetch to fetch the accesstoken endpoint to get the accesstoken because there is no localStorage, and 2) the return statement which has a useFetch. When not fetching the Accesstoken endpoint or alternately return null instead of useFetch, this error doesn't occur....

Scan file that exports components with addComponentsDir

Is scanning a file possible with addComponentsDir? The location of the components is runtime/components/index.ts and inside that file exports components from another module: ```ts...

Environment variables not available when running on Netlify Edge

I built and deployed my Nuxt 3 app to Netlify using the SERVER_PRESET=netlify_edge preset. However, it seems that all environment variables that I supply throught Netlify dashboard are not accessible from my Nuxt app. I checked the following: * I made sure all environment variables are added through Netlify dashboard and they have the correct value. * Variables have the appropriate NUXT_ or NUXT_PUBLIC_ prefix so that they can override the respective runtimeConfig variables....

Add Text input to ui3 contextmenu

Is it possible to add a Text Input into the ui3 contextmenu?

unminimize the function in build

how can I tell nuxt to show the actual function names from the build? and not minimize the functions?
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avoid transition between two pages with same layout

Hello, I have several pages that share the same layout, but when I'm navigating between those pages, the transition is triggered and the whole layout reloads, is there a way to avoid this ?

Migrating nuxt2 to nuxt3 vuex store

Hi im migrating an app from nuxt2 to nuxt3. It currently uses vuex and im trying to move to nuxt3 without moving to pinia yet. The problem is that in nuxt2, the store uses a lot of this.$injectedProperty in its actions. How can i use the nuxtApp injected properties in vuex in nuxt 3?

mountSuspended & useCookie

Hello. Why my test show incorrect value for cookie? Log: Mock useCookie with value 0 Mock useCookie with value 1 ...

shallowMount & await useAsyncData

Can I use shallowMount instead mountSuspended if my component contain next code:
await useAsyncData('layoutGetCurrent', () => locationStore.getCurrent())
await useAsyncData('layoutGetCurrent', () => locationStore.getCurrent())

Hydratation text mismatch on

Hello i have an issue i can't fix it. i have an hydratation mismatch on the component PartOfferCard when i want to display the dateStart Parent component where i get the datas ```js...

nuxt webiste not working

when i try to go anywhere besides the landing page i get error 500 "500 Error Couldn't resolve component "default" at "/docs""...
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