


Nuxt Community Chat Server


Wrapping useToast

I'm looking for wrapping useToast, I need some types like ToastInterface and NotificationColor but I can't seem to be able to find them How do I import useToast types in my plugin or composable ? Thanks 🙂...

Supabase auth redirect rules

I have a Nuxt app with an API route defined at /server/api/scan/[club].ts, but accessing it will redirect the user to the /login route. This is my Nuxt config ```ts supabase: { redirectOptions: {...

Slow Development VSCode

Hello there ! Anyone is facing a slow Nuxt dev mode in Vscode ? I don't know if it's Volar ? VSCode or Nuxt

The test ignores useNuxtApp

Hello, everyone! I need help with unit-testing. My component LocationSelection.vue: ``` <template>...

useNuxtApp && mountSuspended

My Component: ```<template> <div>{{test}}</div> </template> ...

Unit Test OnMounted

My component: ```typescript import { debounce, upperCase } from 'lodash' import type { ILocationCitySuggestItem, ILocationCitySuggests } from '~/types/location' import { useLocationStore } from '~/store/location'...

hydration mismatch while using nested layout

reproduction: in nested layout, created by nesting <NuxtPage /> using useFetch will result in hydratation mismatch because useId() resolves differently on server and client. (may apply to all async bariers, didn't tested)...
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Nuxt with PM2 and TypeScript

I have a project with a Nuxt application and PM2. For the PM2 application we have a file named worker.cjs. I turned this into a TypeScript file, so that I can leverage the types we have from our Supabase database. I am trying to have it compiled when Nuxt builds, so I've added an extra tsconfig as composite. Does somebody have experience with this? ``` TS6305: Output file '/dist/workers/worker.d.ts' has not been built from source file '/workers/worker.ts'. The file is in the program because:...

How do I disable Nuxt 4 from automatically extending Nuxt apps inside `layers/` directory?

How do I disable Nuxt 4 from automatically extending Nuxt apps inside layers/ directory?

How can I expose my local dev server to other devices in the same network?

I am not able to access the local dev version on other devices.

What causes"#build/components" from "pages/index.vue". Does the file exist ?

I am trying to reference the file in nuxt however I get this error ```js <script setup lang="ts">...

Change URL in unit-test with useRoute

```typescript import {describe, it, expect,} from 'vitest'; import { mockNuxtImport, mountSuspended } from '@nuxt/test-utils/runtime'; import LayoutLogo from '../LayoutLogo.vue'; import {useLayoutStore} from "~/store/layout";...

useRoute and mountSuspended - test is freezing

My test: ```typescript import { describe, it, expect, } from 'vitest'; import { mockNuxtImport, mountSuspended } from '@nuxt/test-utils/runtime'; import { flushPromises } from '@vue/test-utils';...

Does nuxt use by default vite ?

Hi , does nuxt uses by default vite ? Thank you in advance....


How do I make a custom 404 page?

Trying to get Nuxt Image ipx caching to work

It's taking a long time to optimise images on the server (default configuration rather than SSG). And the second time I access the image it's no quicker, which makes me think it's not using the cache but rather regenerating the image each time. The image source is _ipx/... so I know the optimizer is working, but how can I test whether the cache is being used? (I've added in the maxAge as suggested in this post, but it doesn't seem to have made a difference)...
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I18n Route translation

Hi, I have a question about route translation, I am working with a multilangual team and want to keep my folder structure and pages/ folder in english. But the main website will be in german only. Now I want to translate my routes to German but it doesnt really work via i18n, are there any other solutions: My folder structure: ```...

Old version keep cached after deployment

When I deploy my nuxtjs application, my users' browsers cache the old version. I build a docker image via a github CI/CD and then redeploy the Jelastic docker container behind a nginx loadbalancer. Should I also restart the nginx loadbalancer?...

Where to handle 404 in useAsyncData?

Hey folks, I have a simple composable that uses fetch to get some authorized data: ``` export async function useApiFetch(request, opts) { const apiToken = useCookie('api_cookie') ...