


Nuxt Community Chat Server


Nuxt 3 Routing Mismatching

Hello, I have been battling with a routing mismatch issue in Nuxt since yesterday. My folders are well-structured but deeply nested. Unfortunately, Nuxt is picking up the wrong route when I try to access content in the nested path. Attached are some images to help you understand my file and folder structure, the errors I am getting, and the installed packages. The package.json image, along with the image of the file structure, can help in reproducing the issue....

Defining props through typescript requires full dev server restart on change

Does anyone know if I need to configure our Nuxt application differently when using Typescript to define the props of a component? ```js const props = withDefaults(defineProps<TableProps<T>>(), { mayOrderColumns: false,...

Fonts size with UI V3

How to change font size in NavigationMenu UI v3 and tailwindcss V4

Nitro error when using vscode-languagedetection (worker init error)

Hey, Im using this package to detect code language in a string. This package uses machine learning (tensorflow) to work and its working fine when I use it in a Vue component executing it on server (wrapping it up with import.meta.server condition), but when I try to use it in the server/api folder, Nitro crash and it does not tell anything. I also tried to make a Nuxt plugin and a Nitro plugin but same error....
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Why is it when I refresh the page I get api calls error?

This is the code on me dashboard.vue ```js <template> <div class="flex flex-col min-h-screen">...

Plugin Types are missing :(

Hey all, for some reason all my plugin types are coming back as unknown in both vscode and nvim. Not really sure what to do about it. A lot of the information surrounding volar and vue/language-server I find online seems out of date and changing my vscode typescript version to the workspace local one doesn't help either. Are there any other things I can try?...

Mastering Nuxt Courses

Hello, I recently bought a bundle with the Mastering Nuxt 3 course. I have the email containing my Activation key but when I try to use it, I get an error stating that the key doesn't exist or has already been used. I have not used the key, so I assume there is some problem. I already tried responding to the email as per the instructions on the email, but there has been no response for over a week. Can anyone help me out with who to contact or what to do?...

Why doesnt nuxt support http delete method for $fetch ?

I have this code but it causes syntax error
await $fetch("/api/template/user/1", {method: "DELETE"});
await $fetch("/api/template/user/1", {method: "DELETE"});

server/api errors using [[ ]].ts files

Hi all, beginner here, so please be gentle lol From reading the internet, i can use a [[xx]].ts file for urls that might not be present eg /api/[something]/is-here/[[or-is-it]] whenever I try to access the api (using postman) at /api/something/is-here i get a 500 error, and i get the same error when i try to access /api/[something]/is-here/yes...

Hydration mismatch help.

I am trying to learn nuxt 3 so apologies if these are pretty much basic questions for you. I am trying to get all templates and put it on a prop of the component and looping the component but I get this mismatch error. I am not sure what is the cause of this issue. ```js...

Node SSR exception logs

Hello, when an error occurs during SSR (500), client sees nice-looking error page, but when I look into logs of Node server running my Nuxt application with SSR, I cannot see the exception message and trace....
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Laravel backend with sanctum and nuxt frontend

So i am trying to use the BFF pattern so i can cache my APIs in the frontend, but i have an issue APIs that require authorization, I can't find a way to fetch them. I always get unauthorized i tried several things. As you can see in the image cookies are set they are correct tried it from postman its fine but in server/api it doesnt work. Anyone managed to make it work? Thanks in advance
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Does Nuxt have to be at the root when deployed?

So I have nuxt as a static site, however I'm reading said files from .output/public/index.html, whenever I launch it, it says 404 not found because its trying to use the URL bar as the current route, is there a way to circumvent this? I need this deployed in a subfolder and not on the root

Can't get Vitest Extension to resolve Nuxt's auto-imports

I have Vitest running (sort of) in the terminal. It finds Nuxt's auto-imports just fine for my unit tests, but as soon as I use the Vitest Extension, they don't work. The extension seems to be completely unaware of Nuxt's environment. Not sure how to tackle this? As it's in that gray area betwee two pojects (Nuxt and Vitest)...

Accessing components list on server side plugin

Hi! I'm having trouble accessing the components list in a nuxtjs plugin. Can someone please send an example or help me? For context: I need to access all components on the server side to define some record that I will use to parse content using nuxt/content....

Need help with @sidebase/nuxt-auth local provider

When I try to set httpOnly attribute to true for token and refreshToken in nuxt.config.ts file, the cookies for them are not showing up in the Cookies section in Application tab of chrome devtools. Due to this, on subsequent page refresh it is throwing me to login page again This is working perfectly fine for secureCookieAttribute when set to true. Expected behavior: They should be visible with the HttpOnly column marked as tick in the Cookies section....

NuxtUI Input placeholder/italic

Hello 🙂 I use NuxtUI, I would like my inputs to have their placeholder in italic but not the entered text. Here is my app.config.ts :...

Nuxt 2 setting "Vary: User-Agent" in header

Hello, I'm using Nuxt 2 with SSR. We discovered that the Vary header entry is somewhere being set to user-agent. After looking for a while I found it, it's being set here in the vue-renderer.js ``` render(renderContext) { if (this.isServerMode) {...

Build Nuxt for CF Worker and postgre

Hello, I'm trying to deploy a nuxt 3 app on CF workers which use postgre module and even after using compatibility_flags = [ "nodejs_compat" ] or compatibility_flags = ["nodejs_compat_v2"] in the wrangler.toml I hit the error :
Error: Cannot resolve "cloudflare:sockets" from "node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected]/node_modules/postgres/cf/polyfills.js" and externals are not allowed!
Error: Cannot resolve "cloudflare:sockets" from "node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected]/node_modules/postgres/cf/polyfills.js" and externals are not allowed!

Value in composable is empty

I have this line of code that stores the user info ```js /composables/auth.ts const user = ref<Form | null>(null);...