Kevin Powell - Community


Kevin Powell - Community

A friendly place for developers to meet other devs, ask questions, get help, and just have a good time πŸ™‚.







Security error, There are problems with the security certificate for this site

i get this error while opening the website from Instagram chat, anyone knows how to fix this ?...
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Advices for a Portable Computer for Development in C and other languages under Ubuntu

Hey everyone ! I don't know if it's the right place to ask this but : I am going to begin school soon and I am going to do development mostly in C, but I am also going to develop in more common and recent languages on side. I will NOT do anything that needs MANY resources like 3D render, neural networks development etc... but it need to be powerful enough to be fluent and not interrupt my workflow....

Visual Studio tips/tricks?

In VScode I can cd into a directory and "code ." to open that in visual studio code. Doesnt' seem to be the same in Visual Studio and I haven't been able to find a way to do it? I've found "devenv YourProject.csproj" but it doesn't seem to work "devenv: command not found" (I'm using WSL, if that makes a difference (probably)). say I'm in code/dotnet/first-project, how do I open this in visual studio?...

Failed to connect to port 443 after 2021 ms: Couldn't connect to server

getting this error randomly now github desktop and GitHub website and any git instant is not working and when i try to push or pull i get
Failed to connect to port 443 after 2021 ms: Couldn't connect to server
Failed to connect to port 443 after 2021 ms: Couldn't connect to server

My gulp has broken and I'm seemingly too useless to fix it 😩

I use gulp to collate my scss, js, and move some other stuff. It's not set up great but even just what it was doing took me forever to sort out. Yesterday it suddenly stopped working, and I'd no idea why. Naively updated packages, and still not working. I've tried both refactoring and re-writing, but my JS level is whack and I'm failing hard, while this is blocking everything else I'm doing for the moment 😩 I understand that it's largely about updating to imports instead of require, but the practical side of that I'm lost on....
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Docker not working with SQLite database

I can't get docker to work with my sqlite database and ive tried a bunch of things with changing of files and such and it just doesnt work. My setup is php with apache. Here is my docker-compose file... ```docker version: "3" services:...

Error message regarding label tag element

Still valid at the moment, maybe they're testing things out This can be "corrected" using <Label>Enter your name: <input type="text" ></Label> or using this if you want an empty label <label for="input_id" id="label_id" aria-label="Enter your name:">...
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VS Code

Why when i create a new file it opens automatically, can i change that

How do configure a subdomain Cloudflare Zero Trust / Apache

I can use a subdomain as long as I use different local IP addresses. That works to expose different parts of a home lab to the internet which is nice, but it is not what I am trying to do. I am hosting various test projects on one certain local IP address. I can buy new domain names and use many different domains for each project with my one specific local IP and each website loads up fine. But how do I properly set it up to make a subdomain work?...
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How to use Git in command line

I can't understand this. I litterally just want to upload some files, but they make it impossible.

Issue in starting sass

First off, i have exisiting .css file doing some mini project of mine then i encountered limitation of css so i need the help of sass, installation of sass was pretty smooth but when i start it, it won't recognized my exisiting .css file. I don't know how to integrate it or place it to be able to be recognized. Note: This is my first time using and install sass :laugh: and i also followed sir Kevin's tutorials on installing npm and starting it. Here's the error prompt:...
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Error with volume not mounting docker compose

not sure why but my volume isnt mounting for my docker compose file. keeps saying error file or directory not found... failed to mount local volume: mount /home/md89/Documents/Github/phptest/:/var/lib/docker/volumes/phptest_app/_data, flags: 0x1000: no such file or directory here is the docker compose file ```docker...
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Help removing background between elements with Photoshop?

I'm trying to create a mask for a website background, but I can't seem to figure out how to remove the small spaces between the coffee beans to be transparent so I can add a table texture underneath. Any ideas?
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someone explain file pathing to me please.

I’ll give an example of what I thought was right, but apparently isn’t because I just get the alt text. Memory-card/src/lib/Content.svelte Memory-card/assets/image.png...

Hosting Svelte Projects on Netlify

So I do have my portfolio hosted via Netlify, but it was awhile ago and I now can't remember how to do it. All I've done is go on Netlify and add a new site, and host it via Github, selecting my Github repo. It's failing at the image,...
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VSCode scrolling issue

Does anybody know why vs code number line is overlapping itself as I scroll?

How do I delete previous GitHub/VSCode syncs?

I want to delete previous Github/VSCode syncs because I think my current one is better, and I don't want to use the old one instead

Reinstall/Format a pc

Does Local reinstall need a copy of windows on a bootable flashdrive? or it will just erase all data/files on the C/D/E drive and it will reinstall the previous windows by itself? no bootable flashdrive or another copy of windows needed?
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Folder is not upper when i use git add *

in the local repo i created folders and files bit i can see only the files when i execute the comm: git status and git add *
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