Kevin Powell - Community


Kevin Powell - Community

A friendly place for developers to meet other devs, ask questions, get help, and just have a good time 🙂.







Hosting website

hi, I been playing around whit astro to make a static site. Any recommendations on where to host static website,(vercel vs netlify vs CF pages ...)? [whit a free plan]...

Error: Couldn't find an i386-*-elf version of GCC/binutils.

I want to install xv6-public. I followed all these steps but I get the error. I tried other method but they don't work as well. Device: Mac m1 , macos: sonoma 14.2 Virtualization software: UTM Ubuntu....
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Git squashing and duplicate commits

Hi guys, I'm a bit confused on how a proper workflow should look for squashing. I have the following issue: 1. I'll go and make commits on a feature / fix branch and squash & merge onto the main branch 2. I'll pull my changes from main into my local feature / fix branch to keep it up to date 3. I'll make some more commits on the local feature / fix branch and then do the same steps in 1 & 2...

DNS records when moving from Digital Ocean to Cloudflare

Hi all, Was just hoping for some help moving my site and keeping my emails up and running! My registrar is GoDaddy, site on DO, and new site on Cloudflare. I've created a short checklist of records I need, but I've two questions: 1) Have I missed anything obvious? and 2) should the records remain the same despite the move? (yes?). And I guess I might as well ask another: Should I be getting someone else to do this? Feel like it should be easy, but don't want the email to silently fail....

Github blocked push due to secrets

It was right, my rest.http file was misspelt in my gitignore. But now it's correct and git is still blocking me, I'm assuming because the file is in an older commit? Does anyone know how I can solve this please?...

VS code control panel

hey guys does anyone know how can i add source control button in my vs code left panel i tried everything but it is not showing there
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HTML & CSS Class Hints in PHP Wordpress Theme Files

Hi I would like to start using VSC instead of brackets to devlope a wordpress theme, but I have hit a snag which is kind of annoying. (I apologise in advance if I'm not using the right terminology here) In brackets if I start to type div , it would give me a suggestion of that, i could select it and it would fill in the rest, not that i bother with 3 charaters, but then i would type class and it would fill out the complete syntax (class=") then I could type the first latter of a class in my css...

How to split editor in VSC (within pane, not separate pane)

Just one time, I managed to create a split line within an editor pane so there are 2 scroll zones. This is not from the split menu options as they just duplicate the current panel in another quadrant depending on which direction is chosen. The split line is 2px thick, enough to see to grab and adjust position vertically....
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Good Image compressors/minifiers for the command line?

I have about 10k images I need to compress, browser tools have limits for size/number of images so I want something local I can setup and let it run for as long as it needs to, any good tools for that?

Indenting not working properly for jsx in NeoVim

My NeoVim config can be found on Github. Issue: When creating new line from the end of a JSX element (eg: <div>), there is no auto indentation in the new line. Current ```jsx...

/bin/cp: cannot create regular file: Permission denied

[email protected]:~/repositories/cpanel-devops$ /bin/cp index.html /home/git/public_html/
/bin/cp: cannot create regular file '/home/git/public_html/index.html': Permission denied
[email protected]:~/repositories/cpanel-devops$ /bin/cp index.html /home/git/public_html/
/bin/cp: cannot create regular file '/home/git/public_html/index.html': Permission denied

webpack and vite

Hello, can you help me with this question I have, I really want to know, thank you: I wanted to ask if you would be kind enough to explain to me how webpack works and see the part when we generate a package of our application below, how those technologies do it, why ? I have already seen concepts that in the case of webpack in large projects it makes a build of each refresh of each code update and that makes it slow and also the build takes time if it is based on many dependencies, but a colleag...

Browser refresh on change

I want the browser to refresh automatically upon file changes. How can I achieve that? My environment: - VS Code - Ubuntu...

How to execute this powershell script? (Defederating GoDaddy o365)

Hey all, trying to get the hell away from GoDaddy and using the defederating guide here: It provides a script here: ``` Write-Host "Checking for MSGraph module..."...

bash wsl command not found

I been everywhere, I can't find a solution. I don't know what to do about this bs , I litterally was on almalinux-8 wsl and installed wsl sudo dnf install wsl, and it is saying the same thing. I been at this for 2 days wth is this lol...
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src refspec fix/careers-short-title does not match any

Pretty simple error right? I've been pushing to the same remote branch for a couple weeks now and all of a sudden it is giving me that error. I have verified that the branch still exists in GitHub and is accessible. I can even see it when using git branch -a. I'm using the command: git push origin fix/careers-short-title. I'm about to force push but want to make sure I'm not missing something....

Help me

Hello everybody. I need yr help. how to open debugging in not full screen mode in visual studio?...

Hosting custom domains through cloudflare (google domains (squarespace?))

Everything seems to be setup as required, the only thing concerning me is this part on my google domains, which I'm not sure what I change to? (the CNAME in the attached images).
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Hello everyone, I installing xampp today, and I have an issue about installing. here in the image once he reaches that mb, the installation will suddenly slow down then suddenly stop, the one on the right side will show. what is the possible issue of this? - I tried to turn off firewall maybe because it is possible that caused it, but the issue is still the same. - and my internet is stable ...
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How to update changes on GitHub

I initially added some files on GitHub manually i.e not using the terminal. Now I made some changes, how can I update the changes using the terminal on vs code?