HTML & CSS Class Hints in PHP Wordpress Theme Files

Hi I would like to start using VSC instead of brackets to devlope a wordpress theme, but I have hit a snag which is kind of annoying. (I apologise in advance if I'm not using the right terminology here) In brackets if I start to type div , it would give me a suggestion of that, i could select it and it would fill in the rest, not that i bother with 3 charaters, but then i would type class and it would fill out the complete syntax (class=") then I could type the first latter of a class in my css sheets and it would give suggestions. This was very userfull. In VSC, this works the same in html files, but php files are different, it wont work unless I put a space in after selecting class. If I dont, and just start typing a class name, it wont bring up the list, I have to hit space and it will work, alterntively, I dont select class from the list and type it out manually, as soon as i hit (") after the (=), it workd, but either way it wont work like it does in brackets. This slows me down. Best I can tell, it may be the combination of extensions I am using, but I could only get html hints work in php with PHP Intelephense. Any other one I tried, they wont work at all. Is anyone else creating themes for wordpress in VSC and having this issue? Again applogise if i am not using the right terminology, I've tried googling this and it's failed me, maybe it's because I'm using incorrect terminology, but I'm not a trained developer. I just like messing around with CSS and WordPress files and creating WordPress themes. I came across Kevin the other day on youtube and now learning a lot of cool new stuff, so much so, I think for CSS VSC seems to be the way to go, but the above issue just niggles me.
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