Kevin Powell - Community


Kevin Powell - Community

A friendly place for developers to meet other devs, ask questions, get help, and just have a good time 🙂.







core-js postinstall issue when deploying to

Anyone come across a deployment issue on a full stack app on that says it's due to core-js? Here's the log: ``` Cloning from Sep 18 12:19:46 PM ==> Checking out commit f6fb50c2e8693f041930aa07c2a7afc1ef0311a9 in branch main...

Best websites to learn PHP

I'm a begginer when it comes to PHP and I want to know what are some good websites out there to start learning PHP? I prefer a beginner course that is structured rather than jumping from one topic to another without learning the basic first.

Should jwt cookie have "bearer" ?

I am trying to learn about authentication and authorization (and a lot of other topics together aswell, as it covers everything about routing, dynamic path, etc). A thing I want to know is, should I put Bearer in the cookie? Why do we use Bearer by the way? (I am just following some tutorials and they don't explain whyy)...
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Tk Deprecation Warning

Hello, I am starting to learn Python and while trying to do a turtle drawing exercise, I got a warning: DEPRECATION WARNING: The system version of Tk is deprecated and may be removed in a future release. Please don't rely on it. Set TK_SILENCE_DEPRECATION=1 to suppress this warning. The code doesn't run. I am working in VS Code on MacBook Air, and I have Python 3.9.6 installed. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Dumb question but not sure when it comes to get and post with this problem

When a user enters information into a form like a search box, are they posting the input for the server to grab and process so it's a "post" or is it still a "get" request?

difference between web backend and app backend

i was just wondering if i could use the same server with my backend code, i used with my web app, for my app, barely know anything about backend btw, just curious

Wordpress Critical Issue

I've been experiencing an issue on my Wordpress site where a critical error is prompted and I cannot view the admin portal. As a bandaid fix, I increased the droplet on Digital Ocean and it fixed the issue. I'm assuming this is something plugin related and I'm now paying around $120 to host the site (elementor & woocommerce), which is considerably more than I've been paying. I honestly don't know much about backend / server related stuff. I know how to view server via FTP with key, but don't know how to access logs, etc. I was told to post my question here, but given the context is vague. I was wondering if anyone could help walk me through the process of diagnosing this issue and potentially fixing. Thank you 👍...
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CMS with JavaScript - what can you recommand ?

First of all, sorry for my English 😉 I'm swiss and maybe there are some spelling mistakes. Question: I would like to start a simple project for a Crossfit Affliliate whom I know. The owner wants to change the text and pages on his own. I'm currently not a lot into php and I heard that wordpress (which works with php - I know) isn't the best choice - it's insecure and you never know what code you will load from the plugins....

Wolfarm alpha api

I am trying to build a function that finds the critical points of a a mathematical function. I have an html page that gets an input and a node.js express server that gets a get request and connects to the wolfram alpha api. The code seems to be working but for some reason the api returns false answers for some of the functions. explicitly, when a function has only negative critical points, the result it gives is 0. could it be that the wolfram alpha api doesn't work properly?...

Unable to fetch data from API (Node JS server)

I am trying to fetch data from my database through my node js, but I keep getting an error of Error: SyntaxError: Unexpected token '<', "<!DOCTYPE "... is not valid JSON, is there anything I can do to prevent this? My code for the client side is: My code for the server is: ```js app.get('/getBlogs', (req, res) => { supabase...

Should I use js or ts for a library.

Im wondering whether use of typescript is advantageous when using javascript for interfacing with the library. Does it internally benefit from typechecking or something?

Advent Of Code doubt

Has anyone here done it? If so, I wanted to ask how the input is supposed to be taken? There were no guidelines on the website I just solved day 1, but i fetched the data using https module in Node.js( Is this how it is supposed to be done? Or are we supposed to Ctrl+A select the data and copy it manually?...

Multiple Apache2 vhosts are pointing to the same website, how to i fix this?

Multiple Apache2 vhosts are pointing to the same website, how to i fix this?

Projects In BackEnd

I am learning backend currently, doing PostgreSQL, I will do front end eventually. What projects can I make, to learn as well as for job

Using go enums

I have this code below but im not sure how the enum's side of things is working with the input like how I can determine the case in the switch to activate. Any thoughts? ```go package validateInput import (...

Issue with throwing error

there is something confusing here in express how i got 200 response in the both cases if i find a book or not this is the error handler middleware ```js const errorhandler = (err, req, res, next) => {...
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Whats the best avaliable tutorial for laravel on the enternet today

Please give me a small description about the tutorial with its name

Go struct with methods to handle input. Good idea or Bad idea based on the given situation?

I have the following code below im deciding on either making it just a struct for input or creating a struct with methods to process individual input based on what the api takes. The api can take the following fields... ``` Query parameter based on which data is sent back. It could be following: ...

Pagination Firebase

Does anyone know how to implement pagination with firebase, with nextjs - react.