dynamic meta tags for ecommerce

Hello! im making a webshop with php and mysql(mariadb) for someone. the idea is that the client can add items to the webshop by himself. ofc i will have one product page where the data of one product can be loaded in. the only thing is that im not sure how to deal with dynamic meta tags. does anyone know a good and/or a common practice to deal with that? the only thing i can think of is that i either use the product information that is also shown on the product page, but then im missing tags for keywords and likely some other things or i have to make seperate inputs for meta tags when the client adds a new product, but that seems off to me since the client might not know anything about meta tags and seo. if someone has other and/or better ways, id love to know. thanks for reading :)
1 Reply
greenOP•16mo ago
thanks for your reply! i wasnt quite sure whether it was more of a php or seo question indeed. i thought maybe there is an php api for meta tags or a php function that i dont know about that helps with stuff like this. strangely enough i didnt think of combining the two things 😅 I think the best way is to generate meta tag content based on the product information when creating a product and give the client the option to edit. meta tags that cannot be filled in with product information have to be filled in manually but i will provide tool tips so the client has a clear idea of what to fill in? when a product is being edited i could add a button to regenerate meta tag content, so that the manually added data is not lost right away, only once the button is clicked and then give the option again to edit the tags. you think it could work well that way? Thanks a lot for the help :) Awesome! Thanks a lot for the help :)

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