Kevin Powell - Community


Kevin Powell - Community

A friendly place for developers to meet other devs, ask questions, get help, and just have a good time 🙂.







SVG Tutorial

Here's a Christmas themed SVG tutorial I found it on the Frontend Weekly digest on Medium, a great resource for frontend design

How To Build Your Own <blank> This is a list of tutorials and write ups on how to build any number of harder-to-break-down projects, from a BitTorrent Client, to Git implementations, to Frameworks and games and template engines and any number of other things. Lots of them include implementations in JavaScript, though there's also a ton of info about other languages....

A set of style focused rules to format with eslint

What the title says. With the deprecation of formating focussed rules from the default set of rules that ships with eslint, I thought I would need to find something else to format my code the way I like it. Unfortunately, after searching for a bit, I realized that a tool as configurable and powerful as eslint was nowhere to be found... Until I found this project that aims at doing just that, formating with eslint : ...

Habits of great software engineers

Great developers aren't just skilled or knowledgeable; they're passionate.
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Sass Guidelines

This is a general guideline to write good and clean sass code. It mentions all the best practices. Also has a lot of links referring to other good resources
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JSON to your choice language

Helps you format your json to fit your language of choice to process it