Kevin Powell - Community


Kevin Powell - Community

A friendly place for developers to meet other devs, ask questions, get help, and just have a good time 🙂.







Where do you get your favourite free SVGs?

Looking specifically where you can copy the svg from the site vs downloading the file. Not just UI icons but fun svgs too!! To share, is a great one, although only a few libraries where you can get the SVG for free/copy it directly. they do provide free pngs of the icons if thats okay for your project, and host it on a cdn link so you dont have to host it yourself.

keepass 2 as authenticator app

i do not own the copyright for this content, so, i can only share the link this describes how you can use keepass 2 as the authenticator app (with some windows-specific things) keepass 2 is an offline password manager that lets you store the passwords and other secrets outside of any cloud - only you have access to it, even if the file is leaked...

HTML Recipes - HTML-only examples of common UI

Amazing if you suck at semantic HTML Made by Stephanie Eckles

functional programming is great, use it (1) (1) when applicable (2) and when the resulting code is more concise and easier to read (2) except if it involves recursion...

Learn CSS

There's a Learn CSS course available on

SVG Tutorial

Here's a Christmas themed SVG tutorial I found it on the Frontend Weekly digest on Medium, a great resource for frontend design

How To Build Your Own <blank> This is a list of tutorials and write ups on how to build any number of harder-to-break-down projects, from a BitTorrent Client, to Git implementations, to Frameworks and games and template engines and any number of other things. Lots of them include implementations in JavaScript, though there's also a ton of info about other languages....

A set of style focused rules to format with eslint

What the title says. With the deprecation of formating focussed rules from the default set of rules that ships with eslint, I thought I would need to find something else to format my code the way I like it. Unfortunately, after searching for a bit, I realized that a tool as configurable and powerful as eslint was nowhere to be found... Until I found this project that aims at doing just that, formating with eslint : ...

Habits of great software engineers

Great developers aren't just skilled or knowledgeable; they're passionate.
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