Kevin Powell - Community


Kevin Powell - Community

A friendly place for developers to meet other devs, ask questions, get help, and just have a good time 🙂.







CSS Custom Properties for every Component

I'm working on a project in Astro and using Svelte to handle all UI components. This project is getting very complex. I have styling for a child component that is specific to a parent component. Is it a bad idea / bad practice to create custom properties in a child with a child's name on the variable? Or, would it be better to have parent specific styling in child? ...

Align cards items in defined grid

Hey, another day is here and I have another challenge for you: Imagine I have a grid defined, and inside that grid are cards (flexboxes) 🃏. I need to align the title, the icon, and the list of text - and the way I always have the title and the first line of the list aligned. And I don't know the height of the box, it's dynamic, based on the number of rows in the list. Space between is probably not usable, because I can have a sheet with different number of items, and they should always be at the title....
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CSS Grid question - moving children to appear in 1st row

Hi all, just a vanilla grid question, I would like to move 1st and 3rd child to render at the top (1st row) instead of rendering in the bottom (2nd row). So everything should stay the same but the top row's gap should be used by left and right child instead of spilling onto the new rows, if that makes sense? I can't provide codepen because the code is not readable (Magento2 Hyva + Tailwind stack), the children are actually nested in separate PHTML files and grid is just wrapping over them, if that makes sense. I have applied a bunch of Tailwind breakpoint specific classes to get it to current state. I somehow believe that I'm missing a simple trick to just tell 1st and 3rd child to use the available space in 1st row above them....
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Center the img perfect and get it responsive

Hi guys im running into a few problems: My image on a wider screen doesnt fit, even if i make the height bigger it will result that its not fitting on a normal laptop screen. How can i make it fit perfecty Also its not really responsive, the image dissapears when i make the screen smaller. I want the picuture underneath the text on mobiles etc. ...
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Help centering an element in a flex container

I have a flex container with flex-wrap: wrap. When it wraps the cta text breaks on another row, but when this happens I need it to be horizontally centered. I thought about creating a media query for when this happens and set justify-self: center to the element but that's a grid property. Any idea on how can I do that?
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Setting text of pseudo element from JavaScript

I'm trying to set the text of a pseudo element (::before or ::after) through JavaScript. ```css h1 { --text: "Hello World!";...

Need Advice About Twitter Clone

Hello, everyone! I need advice! I want to create a Twitter clone using only HTML/CSS/JavaScript. So, I found the HTML markup of the tweet section (in Twitter's UI), and there the tweet input field is implemented using div elements. But isn't the text input supposed to be a textarea? And if yes, shouldn't it be inside a form tag?
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No width on my grid

This works on a desktop/laptop but on mobile IOS / chrome it has no width, why?

Help on Grid Layout

While trying to solve Code challenge by Kevin, I tried on using the Grid layout. Link to Codepen is here: Size of img_1, img_2 and img_3 = 471x628 Now the main issue I am facing here is that even though I have declared row inside .container to be 1fr each (with display: grid ), still I am not getting equal height of box-1 and box-3. I thought by this I will get equal height of rows but height of box-3 is approximately twice from that of box-1 (or box-2). If I declare grid-template-rows: 50% 50% then it approx. solves the issue but still the heights are not equal. ...

How to make <div> fit image width

Hey there, I need help with this weird problem I have(see screenshots). I am trying to justify-content with these flexbox images, but I can't because of these weird spaces between each images that end up taking all the spaces horizontally, which prevent me from justify-content. As you can see on the screenshot, I want to get rid of the red section, and make the div fit the image instead of overflowing until it touch the next images on the right. I joined my CSS code snippet, maybe it will help. (I am quite new to web development and its my first time posting for help, so if the way I am asking my question or how I present my code snippet is not how it should be done, please guide me so next time I can ask using the good practice, thank you)...
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Hero section inside <header> or <main>

I have seen a .hero/.intro section (usually the big intro image on a site) both in a <header> tag and in a <main> tag. What would be the correct place to put it in? Assuming standard structure: ```html...

crud app help

Hey everyone So I'm building this simple crud application to prepare for my big todo app project, I'll be doing later. So I have the create, read, delete functionality down, but when it comes to the update(edit function) part I'm struggling, could any of you guys please help me, and give me some pointers thanks in advance. Here's my github repo:

outline border-radius

Hey folks! I just watched Kevin's video about outlines and borders ( and was surprised about the section about how outlines don't respect the border-radius of the element. I seem to remember that was a limitation and the video is from 2 years ago, so perhaps (at least chrome) has added support for outlines in the meantime to respect the given border-radius because it works now.
I wasn't sure how to look up the browser support for this though. doesn't have anything specific to this. The MDN outline page ( mentions that border-radius should work, but doesn't mention anything about browser support. Does anyone have any insight about using outline in conjunction with border-radius and the browser support for it?...

Free-trial days left indicator

Hey, any suggestions how to achieve this? Trial period is 14-days-long, there are 5 circles to indicate at what stage of this trial period the user is. How to change their colors without changing the color of anything else? Thanks in advance.
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pointer event

What is the use of setPointerCapture and releasePointerCapture and also how to use it

Keep element in viewport up until a certain point

I'm currently facing a challenge i'm not so sure about how to approach and curious with what kind of solution some of you smart people over here come up with. Basically I have a page with multiple sections and one of those sections has an image with some text next to it. When I scroll down further, I want the image to follow the viewport, until the text from the next section arrives next to the image. Then, when I scroll down even further, the image should leave the viewport together with the te...
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Section html css

Hi guys, I would like to know how I can make this type of division between sections in HTML and CSS
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Toggle menu

Hi guys how can i get the menu icon all to the right

Code review - Stats preview card component

Guys, I would like you to give your opinion on the best way I should have used to build this component. I struggled for two days to make something that worked, even if it was full of 'hacks'. Github repository: Live site:
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Slide-in animation snapping when opening the navigation drawer in mobile view

I am trying to clone the sidebar navigation from this website , How it is supposed to : In the mobile view , when clicking on a menu item the menu slides off and the navigation drawer is revealed ...