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KPCKevin Powell - Community
Created by ccabd on 11/29/2023 in #front-end
Canvas in flexbox not resizing properly
Any idea why the canvas in this example code takes the full width of the viewport? When I replace the canvas with a div it works as expected. I put the canvas in a wrapper element for now, which works, but I'd like to understand why its behaving as it does. Am I missing something?
38 replies
KPCKevin Powell - Community
Created by ccabd on 11/8/2023 in #front-end
Keep element in viewport up until a certain point
No description
9 replies
DTDrizzle Team
Created by ccabd on 8/9/2023 in #help
How to specify type using sql template
I'm using this piece of code
const ids = [ 3445, 3446, 999 ];
const values = sql.join( v => sql`(${v})` ), sql`,` );

const query = sql.empty();
query.append( sql`SELECT * FROM ( VALUES ` );
query.append( values );
query.append( sql` ) AS temp(id)` );
query.append( sql` WHERE NOT EXISTS (` );
query.append( sql` SELECT * FROM ${mytable} WHERE ${} = CAST( AS integer )` );
query.append( sql` )` );

const result = await database.execute( query );
const ids = [ 3445, 3446, 999 ];
const values = sql.join( v => sql`(${v})` ), sql`,` );

const query = sql.empty();
query.append( sql`SELECT * FROM ( VALUES ` );
query.append( values );
query.append( sql` ) AS temp(id)` );
query.append( sql` WHERE NOT EXISTS (` );
query.append( sql` SELECT * FROM ${mytable} WHERE ${} = CAST( AS integer )` );
query.append( sql` )` );

const result = await database.execute( query );
to create a query like this
query: 'SELECT * FROM ( VALUES ($1),($2),($3) ) AS temp(id) WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM "mytable" WHERE "mytable"."id" = CAST( AS integer ) )',
params: [ 3445, 3446, 999 ]
query: 'SELECT * FROM ( VALUES ($1),($2),($3) ) AS temp(id) WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM "mytable" WHERE "mytable"."id" = CAST( AS integer ) )',
params: [ 3445, 3446, 999 ]
There is a few problems with it, I guess because this is a parameterized query and parameters are used as literals (need confirmation on this)? 1. I have to cast to integer in each subquery, otherwise I get PostgresError: operator does not exist: integer = text. I don't know how that affects performance, but it feels dirty. 2. The query results are of type string, which I then have to cast again. 3. Also, since the whole query is of type SQL<unknown>, when parsing the result I need to force the wrong/unwanted type string onto the typescript compiler first, just to be able to cast the value, like this v => +( as string) ) Is this really the most optimal way of doing things here, or am I missing something? I found a param method in drizzle but no docs and no idea how to use it or if it could be useful anyhow. Please enlighten me.
5 replies
DTDrizzle Team
Created by ccabd on 8/8/2023 in #help
Find IDs from a list which do not exist in table
As the title says, i'm trying to filter a list of given IDs (could be hundreds) into a list of IDs that do not exist in a table (could have multiple thousands of rows). My research suggests that I should be doing something like this:
select *
from (
values (1),(2),(3)
) as temp(id)
where not exists (select *
from mytable
where =;
select *
from (
values (1),(2),(3)
) as temp(id)
where not exists (select *
from mytable
where =;
Would you agree and more importantly, can I do this using ORM syntax? Thanks for any tips or insights you can provide.
4 replies