Kevin Powell - Community


Kevin Powell - Community

A friendly place for developers to meet other devs, ask questions, get help, and just have a good time ๐Ÿ™‚.







Trying to use getStaticProps in a layout.js

I am working on an application and I would like to use getStaticProps in a layout .js file of my routing. I keep getting an error that this is not supported but in the documentation they say that it only works in pages but I get the same error if I try to use it in page.js. The project is Next v 13. How can a fix this or are there any alernatives?
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Nextjs and Framer Motion

Is anyone else having issues using the Framer Motion library with their Nextjs project (pages router) ? I am trying to add scroll animations using framer motion's scroll-triggered animations e,g <motion.div...

Pseudo Element clipping over text

I have an H1 tag that is currently outlined. I'm trying to add a Pseudo element which fills the color with white (to get rid of outline). The goal is to make a hover fill effect. Any tips? Thanks!
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How to remove the last section in WordPress?

Please see the video, I want to remove the last section using elementor, but there is no option to even chnage or delete anything in it, please help me to solve, thanks

Adding a color over an image

How can I add a color over an image, like in the picture, where this violet color appears over it. I embedded the image in HTML under <picture> tag.
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browser not understanding css correctly

hey folks can anyone help me in debugging this weird CSS issue in the attached image as you can see I have applied. ```css position: fixed; bottom: 1rem; right: 1rem;...
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Doubt in Array and strings about the references

When we compare 2 different arrays even with the same value its false. and i get it, it is because they have different references but with strings if i create 2 different variables and add the same value they are equal even with strict comparison === so is that means string don't have references?...
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ideas on creating this design?

it basically caught my eye and i wanted to challenge myself in doing something like this, i decided the feature of grid along with subgrid would be the easiest and probably the most solid option,
any tips and tricks on how youd create this? i know it's a bit advanced design but i just found it challenging enough and overall fun way of learning the overlapping feature along with bunch of others such as the subgrid that the display: grid offers. ...
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just made this i need feedback for improvement on this

How to place spans at the bottom of its container

Hi community. I would like for the spans which are marked in blue, to sit at the bottom of their container, which is annotated in developer tools. So far, I have only come up with an idea of wrapping the article in a flex, and then giving the paragraph which is above the spans, flex-grow of 1. However, I am exploring if there's another way to approach this. Now, I know I cannot use auto value for the top and bottom margin. Does anyone have an idea of how to do this?
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Scrollable horizontal menu

I want the menu to be scrollable horizontally and everything in one row. Right now, each ul item is in two rows if it has two works, I want word next to word and ul next to ul. If anyone is able to help me out, I would appreciate it a lot. Tried multiple solutions, none worked. Here is my development website:

Can `@supports` be used to detect support for an at rule?

I want detect if the browser supports @starting-style. So i need something like: ```css @supports (@starting-style) { /* ... */...

Page/container width suddenly increases when content appears, but not due to the content size itself This is my Notes app - it works fine on desktop but on mobile, as soon as a note appears on the page, the page/container width seems to overflow by a few rem which causes a horizontal scrollbar to appear. However, this does not seem to be due to the size of the note itself - I've tried testing by making the notes only 2rem in width, and it still happens. It also isn't due to padding on the container as far as I can tell. But when no notes are present on the page, it stays at a fixed 100vw perfectly!...

I cannot compile my sass code?

I am trying to use the min() method in my scss but I get a compile error? Cannot use the properties... Does sass support it or do I need to upgrade something?...

Simple but challenging: tag these properly

i mean my friend is a begineer and basically wrapped them all in divs and then used extremely long classnames xd id use the h1 etc but given how many styles there are, i don't think going to like h5 is worth it in this case, basically all im asking from you is to name it elegantly if you don't mind.....
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Inervert Round Borders

Hi there, Today I came across a design challenge. I'm wondering if it's possible to create a bottom-right card with CSS. Attached is a reference image. Any guidance on achieving this would be greatly appreciated...
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vertical align

Hey so, I'm probably just being stupid but, I can't get my div to vertically align to the center, even made my body a flex to try and get it to work ๐Ÿ˜‚ Can anyone point out what I'm doing wrong pretty please? thanks โค๏ธ codepen:

have to click on NavLink element twice for its active style to take effect

clicking on a NavLink element changes url but have to click the link twice for the changes to take effect