Doubt in Array and strings about the references

When we compare 2 different arrays even with the same value its false. and i get it, it is because they have different references but with strings if i create 2 different variables and add the same value they are equal even with strict comparison === so is that means string don't have references?
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2 Replies
IsrarOP16mo ago
like here i created 2 string with my name with different variable but they are true when compared but if i put the same value in array it's not the same for Javascript
Rägnar O'ock
Rägnar O'ock16mo ago
Everything in JS is compared by value, the difference between a string (or number) and an array (or any non primitive type) is that the 2 array, whatever their content might be, cannot have the same value The == or === here don't change anything, the first would make a type casting before comparing 2 values of differing types (a string and a number for example) and the other wouldn't, but that has nothing to do with the "incomparability" of non primitive types It's one of the quirk of js

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