Kevin Powell - Community


Kevin Powell - Community

A friendly place for developers to meet other devs, ask questions, get help, and just have a good time 🙂.







Cool Accordion Trouble...

Hi everyone. I was building Kevin's accordion but it doesn't seem to work in Firefox. Has anyone else encountered this?

JS Illegal Character

Can't for the life of me figure this out.
const period = hours ≥ 12 ? "PM" : "AM";
const period = hours ≥ 12 ? "PM" : "AM";
I get "Uncaught SyntaxError: illegal character U+2265"...

Tailwind Arbitrary Values

This is parent ul
<ul class="grid gap-2 [&:nth-child(2)]:gap-1" href="#">
<ul class="grid gap-2 [&:nth-child(2)]:gap-1" href="#">
Any ideas why this is not working ? I am trying to change padding for the second child and it just doesn't work. I tried with self-reference &, &*, &>*. The last 2 not exactly sure how it works. I assume this > is used for children elements to point they parent and * to select all of the elements. Correct me if I am wrong....

Where do I start with this UI?!

Basically this: Any feedback, pointers to tools, methods (use 2 gifs/use svg/etc) or any similar implementations you've seen welcome!...

Handle login form

Hello everyone, I’m a newbie in the front end development, now i’m study how to handle the logins form and I have 2 problem: 1)After I send the request for login I have in the role of user but I don’t understand how to save it correctly in the state. 2)How to redirect if the user role is correctly to home page(private route). I attach screens bellow. Thanks all ! 👏...
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Full screen image zoomed mobile

Hi guys. I have a website which is not too mobile friendly yet. It is wider than the screen so it is zoomed out all the time. (I know I know, but this is the starting situation we have 🙂 ) I need a code to view images in a full screen overlay when they are clicked. I tried max-width/height: 100vw 100vh, but they are calculated based on the 100% zoomed version so the pictures are getting too small in the zoomed out state. Is there any solution to make a full screen img/div base on the vw and the zoom state? ...
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flexBox overflowing underneath another flexbox even if the scorll possition is at top

im trying to make a list and a header but the list contentents are overflowing underneth the header
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How to move Text-overflow:ellipsis dots when the parent and child ellipsis stacked on each other?

I have list items in a container, i set the container fixed width and height. On each list items i truncated and added ellipsis using Text-overflow:ellipsis.
adding text-overflow on parent div does the job but the ellipsis of last li item and parent div are almost on top of each other and its difficult to diiferentiate. so my question is, is it possible to move the ... ? how can one acheive this
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Grid system showing gaps

I've been trying to figure out how to make a responsive grid, with some elements spanning 2 tiles, but I've been running into the issue that there are gaps showing up next to the spanning elements. Is there a good way to fix this? Any tips would be greatly appreciated! Here's the Codepen:...
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Button positioning

Hi guys im currently in need of moving a button that im using to in between the bottom left of the screen and the bottom center of the screen, currently ive just added a left: 30% property to my place-self: end start css but its messy as when the screen shifts it doesn't always hit the same spot, anyone have any ideas on how i can get this positioning easier? Included is an image of where id like it to be. ```css...
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How to disable cache for a specific page?

I have a website where people can upload there games, and play them. Every game has an embed image what can be changed by the devs throught the dashboard. I don't want search engines to cache the embed images of the games to make it show always the updated image. Is there a way to do this with JavaScript or with PHP headers? Link:

Can't open squarespace local dev server

i Can't setup my squarespace local dev server, i went through the documentation Install the squarespace-server (npm install -g @squarespace/server ), 5 times now, and every time after the Install any command I type like (squarespace-server ) the second command. i get this error...
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Tailwind CSS place-content: align-content/justify-content ?

I only see single values on the official website, when this suppose to accept both values if wanted. Is the support not there yet for both values ?

Make Responsive Design with Rounded Image on the Edge

Hi! I've been taking good looks into Kevin's tutorials, and in one of his tutorials with Figma, I came across his layout / design example, which was the image I posted here. If you were to implement this kind of design layout, how would you make this responsive? Thanks in advance!...
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Code Help

Hey Guys, I need your help in following Javascript code. I want my input field to format values in this format. +92 ###-####-###
`function phoneFormat(input) { input = input.replace(/\D/g,'') var size = input.length;...

Checkbox innertext not showing in webkit, but works fine in Firefox?

Before I spend any more time trying to unravel this, I figured I'd ask here in case it's a common issue. I have a custom-styled checkbox to look like a toggle button. This is just an <input type="checkbox"> with some innertext. It works as expected on FF, but collapses on Chrome. Even manually setting the width of the element does not show any text, though it does exist in the inspector. Is this just a limitation/ quirk of webkit? Or am I missing something else?
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Double images

index.js ```js import logo from './logo.svg'; import './App.css'; import { useEffect, useState } from 'react';...

jQuery Library Conflict (TamperMonkey)

Hello all! I'm writing a short little script for a website I use frequently using TamperMonkey. I'm coding in jQuery, but the site uses a different library. These two libraries conflict and break some of the site's built-in coding (all my customizations work). I went through this and it seemed perfect for what I was trying to do, but TamperMonkey insists that jQuery is an undefined function and cannot be used. When I force it to run on the site, it throws a console error as well. This is what I have so far, with the main code snipped since it's not relevent. ...

Passing Objects in Native Web Components

I'm trying to learn Native Web Components and would love some help with this problem I'm facing. I'm trying to pass a simple object literal from the dispatch-data to the recieve-data component by listening to the event. However so some reason I can't get the recieve data to listen to the event using the this.addEventListener, but I can using the window object. ...

Grid last element I am trying to move the last li item to the bottom. I tried align-self but it doesn't seem to work....