Kevin Powell - Community


Kevin Powell - Community

A friendly place for developers to meet other devs, ask questions, get help, and just have a good time 🙂.








I'm installing tailwind CSS correctly from YouTube videos am watching but mine not working, need help on this #front-end

Greensock (GSAP) ScrollTrigger - 2 consecutive ScrollTrigger animations?

GH: I have a para that I've applied a 'SplitType' to in order to get the paragraph lines, apply .to() methods to them, and translate them X in my GSAP scrollTrigger animation: ```...

Margin auto doesn't work as I expected

I am trying to put .left and .right elements evenly within .header-content using margin: 0 auto. When I apply the rule, it doesn't do anything, why? HTML: ```html <header>...

How to Delete Component ?

I wanted to delete the card that is displayed in the image, when you click on the "delete" button. But this isn't not working from what I read from the article : Code:

Help to design the layout a newbie

Hi, I want to make this design, I need to center my layout and responsive to mobile, any suggest or advice? Thank

How do I create exact form using CSS?

I'm struggling and confused in creating exact placeholder that is shown in Image and also don't know How would I create exact 'Phone Number' field with country codes and flags. This is the only problem I urgently need help. Any help would be appreciated.
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My footer isn't sticking to the bottom

I have a contact page. Now i know my main isn't filling the space but i assumed the footer will be the last element but there's a space after the footer which i don't want. This is the code pen :

How should I create the layout in the image using grid

I am trying to create this type of layout on the grid but am not sure how i could achieve it with it. also if you know any type of grid layout generator tool that would be very great help!
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live server not working(vs code)

Hi live server has been working in the past. But yesterday i got this error message: This extension has been disabled because it does not support virtual workspaces. I have tried restarting vs code but i cant get it to work. I was wondering if someone can help me.
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Font family not working on html,css

```css @font-face { font-family: 'Main UI'; src: local('./BebasNeue-Regular.ttf'), url('') format('woff2'); }...

Can animation-timeline be used on multiple selectors?

So what I am trying to achieve is applying multiple animations with an animation-timeline property being set on "scroll();". I was refering to Kevin Powell's video for the parallax for this ( The issue I am facing right now though is that as soon as I hit the animation-timeline property on more than 1 selector inside my CSS that it's not working on scroll. The animation itself is correctly defined (no spelling mistakes) and set properly with the anim...

How can I animate my accordion menu and still keep in accesbile.

Hello I wonder how I can animate the opening and closing of a carroussel but still keep it accessible. Code so far : Live url :

Fetch request returns Promise

Hey , I got a country page with links to border countries , now are the border country names not the full country name so I need to make a fetch request for the full name but when I do the result becomes a Promise (see picture 1) ...

Cannot achieve difference between width: 100vw and min-width: 100vw

I made two div containers and gave them width: 100vw and min-width: 100vw respectively. Now I set some nowrap text inside them. According to my understanding, min-width:100vw cannot have less than 100% of the viewport width but it can expand to accommodate the content inside it, but in the code I created, my text just overflows outside the container, why is that? If my technique is wrong, what could be the right way to demonstrate the difference between them and which one I should use as a beginner? Code I created is as follows : ```html <!DOCTYPE html>...


I have an accordion element ``` <div class="accordion-wrap"> <button class="accordion-btn row ai-cen jc-sb gap-2" aria-controls="accordion-content-1" aria-expanded="true"> <h3>When will my order ship?</h3> ...

All buttons should take the same size as the one with most content

I have a grid setup here having 2 colums and I am passing buttons with different content size inside them , The problem is whenever the screen size is reduced the buttons become uneven and I want to avoid that any help regarding this will be appreciated thanks
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Toggle light & dark mode on and off not working

My Javascript is not working. I am using css variables to implement light & dark mode in my portfolio website. But for some reason, I am not able to make my js function work. Any help? Here's my code

I am having display problems

I want the two images to appear under the banner, how would I do this as I have been muddling around with different things for 30 mins 😭
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Do I need a relative import if stylePreprocessorOptions knows the location?

Hi! I was following along with the video that explains @use and @forward, and some other random docs I found, and they led me to believe I could add @use 'mixins' as mixins; in my component's scss file instead of having to drill down to the exact location, like: @use '../../../../assets/styles/mixins' as mixins;? My co-worker says I can't do that because when he clicks on mixins in VS Code when @use 'mixins' as mixins; is in the file, it doesn't take him to the correct place. It does the same for me, but the mixins.radiostyle() style actually works regardless, so it seems fine to me. I've included the location of the folder inside of stylePreprocessorOptions , so isn't that enough?...