Kevin Powell - Community


Kevin Powell - Community

A friendly place for developers to meet other devs, ask questions, get help, and just have a good time 🙂.







can somebody help me i'm stuck here i can't row the div and wrap it😭😭...


i need help with auth0 i want to authinticae user before visiting the website without clicking the login button how do i do that

How do I scale image this way ?

I'm trying to clone this website But how do i manage the image, I'm trying adjust this image but it's not working. Here is the codepen for this:
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fieldsets are ignoring container's padding

Hi everyone! I'm struggling with the first two fieldset to respect the parent the container, but only the last one does (and I didn't get why) Here some images to help u understand the problem (unluckly I can't take screenshots from company's PC)...
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Anoying gulp warning

Can I get rid of this GULP warning? It wants me to use " " in .bg--"#{$color}" but it´s not a valid syntax. I tried everything but without success. Everything works just fine, but it´s confusing for some colleagues. They think its not working when they see the warning. ...
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a 50/50 items in the -- no wrapper mindset with css grid

Hi Kevin, i really love the approach of getting rid of container and wrappers, like you showed in this video. ... My question using this approach. How would you make a section have in it two 50% sections that are full-width (meaning one section goes from full-width-start to "content-middle" and the other one goes from "content-middle to full-width end....
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Leading Line Height adjusting issue

Hello, question everyone. How can I fix this in my hero, like when I zoom out, his line height adjusting like this in the video.

VITE + REACT folder structure "public" vs "src/assets"?

As the title says I am looking for the best practice where should I store my static content eg.: png, font, svg, favico. Public (Vite assets folder): you can reference the static files by this folder location without the need of "public" to be spcified. src/assets (react assets folder): It is bundled together with other react files (a bit smaller size), also you can refer it as a module....

What are other freelance web developers preferred web hosting solutions?

Hi all~ I'm curious what other web developers use for their web hosting solutions? I usually create next.js and react applications and use Vercel to host them. However, I recently started doing freelance web design and wasn't sure how to best approach site transfers. Vercel charges $20 per user per month which seems expensive. Thanks!...

How can I make my <p> not extend out so far?

Hey there, I've added a <p> with some pretty long text inside of it how can I correctly make the width of it smaller?
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DIVS! Gotta catch em all | Semantic component

I hate seeing div in div in div in div next to a div but, i really don't know what do i do with this.. any help is seriously priceless!

has anybody prepared any project referring to this video?? If yes can you please share the source code of it!

Are 3 psuedo elements possible?

What I'm trying to accomplish is the three circles on bottom that indicate what slider you're on. Only issue is that these indicators are not in the DOM and I can't modify the DOM. The first picture is what I want to accomplish, and the second is what I currently have. I was thinking about some type of gradient nonsense but I don't know where to start with that or if that would even be a viable solution....
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Apply background around lines of text, not box

I have a vague memory of Kevin Powell doing this in one of his videos while noting it’s a new property and not supported in every browser just yet. Though, I can’t find the video and can’t find the way to do it anywhere else. Does anyone know how to achieve this?...
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Help to how use :invalid in CSS

I need that only change the style of the input, but it's awalys apply the style when use :invalid How can i prevent this doesn't happending? excuse me. My english isn't too good ...
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