What are other freelance web developers preferred web hosting solutions?

Hi all~ I'm curious what other web developers use for their web hosting solutions? I usually create next.js and react applications and use Vercel to host them. However, I recently started doing freelance web design and wasn't sure how to best approach site transfers. Vercel charges $20 per user per month which seems expensive. Thanks!
3 Replies
Erik•15mo ago
Hey! I use Azure static webapp (SWA) the basic plan is more than enough for most of the needs. Also easy to use. Anyway, there are many out there: https://vitejs.dev/guide/static-deploy#netlify you can check the whole list by scrolling down (on the right hand side starting with Netify and ending with Kinsta static file hosting) surprised me how many different providers we have 🙂
Zoë•15mo ago
Hostinger for static/PHP, Contabo for anything else With Contabo you are more on your own with it just being a plain VPS, so you have to set up everything but it's fairly easy to do and provides you with more flexibility. You can make it work exactly how you want it to. Contabo is extremely cheap for what you get and makes it absolutely worthwhile. Vercel is good, you get a lot for your $20, they make more of their money from extras, but with Contabo you can get a 4 vCPU 6GB RAM, 400GB SSD, and 32TB outbound traffic for €4.50/month, you can get 4 of these for the same price as Vercel, or a single 12vCPU 48GB RAM, 1.6TB SSD, 32TB outbound traffic for $28 which is more than Vercel but you get an incredible VPS for that amount I am absolutely a shill for Contabo, I am very money conscious and with Contabo it's one of the few services I can confidently point to and say that it's fantastic value. You do have to pay for the bells and whistles and after asking them about private networking every few months they finally added it and it's an additional €2.29/month. Avoid buying their SSL. Also the connection speed isn't the best you'll find but just to be aware that the number given is not a hard limit you just can't average being over the amount specified within a 10 day window. So if you do have the VPS S you're told you have 400Mbps but if for a couple hours a day you need 1Gbps you have it available, as long as you are then under 400Mbps enough the rest of the day to compensate

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