Kevin Powell - Community


Kevin Powell - Community

A friendly place for developers to meet other devs, ask questions, get help, and just have a good time 🙂.







Next JS routing got me confused

Hey, I have this simple link in my component but im kinda confused with the routing. ```ts <Link key={} data-type={product.type}...
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help with aligning images

so I have this pop-up in which there is the background that represents the shelve, then there are individual "books" which take you to different pages I want them all to be clicked differently I want them to be responsive I want them to stay inside the popup, not get bigger...
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'Jotai' Best practices

I've been exploring Jotai to grasp its capabilities and use cases. I created a basic application for filtering a list and adding and removing items from it. Seeking opinions on whether my implementation aligns with best practices and effectively leverages Jotai's functionalities. Store ```js...

Is is wrong or bad to add padding to represent hierarchy in tables?

I got data that is a list of items, got a name and category. Each item could have children, with name and categories there too. And I would like to show all of them. I was thinking of adding a left-padding on the children, making them indented. Am I thinking about this wrong? Is there a better way?...

Testimonial slider responsiveness problem

how to make flex child take the full width of the available screen and other childs take the same width as first one but they should overflows. I want the output to be like the attached image. but in responsiveness it is creating problem, how to solve it? check video
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Translation of item in hover

Hi everyone I want realise this animation
but I don t know to begin can I have some idea .NOT CODE just some idea I want realise it myself ...

Section not loading correctly

I'm unsure on how to describe this situation so I'll try to the best of my abilities I'll send a screenshot below. (Explanation: Basically when I reload my website and scroll down the "My Work" portion doesn't load fast and requires the user to scroll down fully to the section for it to load. What can be causing this? The rest of the page loads perfectly BUT some times it does become laggy I've never had to deal with issue before it started two days ago.

How can I fix this issue? Might be overflow

In the smallest size available using inspect element (320 x 870, more exact 351 x 870) there's a empty white part at the right side of the screen this goes down from the top of the page all the way to the bottom. I can't post a CodePen as some things Im using are Images and I haven't really learnt how to make the Pictures lode in CodePen but I can redirect to my GitHub where the website looks as it should!
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Portfolio site

What do you guys think about what I created here? Created with only HTML and CSS. JavaScript I still need to learn.

FullPageCapture ScreenShot

Does anybody knows How Chrome Developer tool Screenshot Full Page in run command works bcoz i m trying to make chrome extension which take ss of full web page

Sveltekit file organizing - Where to write what?

My app will consist of just 3 pages; Main/Home, Cart, and Payment. I vaguely remember doing this on my portfolio and looking back at the code can see I had routes/folder/+page.svelte for each separate page, but for the initial home page I seem to be using routes/+page.svelte for my homepage, routes/Header.svelte for my navbar, and +layout.svelte for.. well I'm not really sure anymore LOL... Github is here though so you can make sense of it: The image is my current "start" for this, though I haven't added +layout.svelte yet.....
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debug problems in my basic webpage

so I have to finish this website in a very close time and I dont know how to fix these problems:

what do you called an input type text and has an x in it to clear the content?

in some of the search bar we can observe there is an x button inside the input element to clear the input field what it is called technically?

zoom out html document

hi , does anyone know how to eliminate whitespace from the document when zoom out? #front-end
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button fill:hover

Hey, i don't know if someone can help me but i'am trying develop this button but i'm stuck i dont know how to do a incline
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Is <time> used?

Hi! Just wandering if <time> is used at all? So many websites have some sort of time data, but I've never seen the time tag used on them. Is there a reason for this?...

Design for A11y, hide accordion section with css or javascript ?

This is for an application that requres log in. I wonder if what I see visually on the page should be same as what does exist in the DOM? Is it ok to hide some sections with css? They will be visible to screen readers if they exist in the DOM. This is about components like accordions or similar where you see more content after clicking a button. ...

Is there a bug in Chrome for Android for the position fixed grid children?

Hi everyone! Does anyone know if there is any recent change in Chrome for Android generating this weird behaviour in the position fixed grid children? As far as I know (and I think it was behaving this way a few weeks ago), when you set a position fixed to an element, it is removed from the normal document flow, so if I have a grid child and I set a position fixed to it, it should be removed from the grid container and therefore, not being affected for its constraints. This is how the grid children are behaving in all the browsers and devices except for one case: Android Chrome browsers (not even Chrome browsers from other devices or OS)....

Website responisve

Hi, i started my journey towards fullstack developer about 3 weeks ago and i accepted to create a website for a relative but i run into a problem with website responsive, i don't understand how to do it properly and i have to finish this website to be able to fully dedicate my time towards programing , i used only html and css and i will put my github repo here, could someone please help me finish this project, the website looks good on the desktop version for a 2k monitor because this is the m...

How to display content in a separate smaller window while still being on the main page?

Hello everyone, I am designing a desktop app using Electron and React. I would like to display some content on the user action in a separate smaller window while still being on the main page ( the background is the same). I am not sure about the approach to adapt. Should I HashRouter and Routes to redirect the user to the other page (but then how to keep the intial main background)? Just as an example, I was ispired by this app : If you toggle one of the car...