button fill:hover

Hey, i don't know if someone can help me but i'am trying develop this button but i'm stuck i dont know how to do a incline https://codepen.io/andresantos2460/pen/gOEVzbL
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6 Replies
Jochem5mo ago
easiest way is to replace the background on your ::before to background: linear-gradient(70deg, #3FA8F4 75%, white 75%) ; you'll have to add that to the hover state with both set to 100% or even higher as well, and adjust the width of the ::before
DoContra5mo ago
thanks for thghe the help but now when i unhover
DoContra5mo ago
Jochem5mo ago
I've ported your pen over to use a background on the button instead of a ::before: https://codepen.io/jochemm/pen/ExMqpYb?editors=1100
Jochem5mo ago
couldn't quite get it to work with the before, you'd probably have to mess with its position because linear gradients don't animate
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