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All posts for ElfHosted / Funky Penguin
Failed to connect to the host via ssh
Mediaflow Proxy usage
API password
Can I pass through Nginx to Traefik and Docker Swarm?
I cannot restart my Plex pod in the Kubernetes Dashboard, it says 'Forbidden'
Help configuring metallb
RDT client + Zurg nightly for music support
Can't get External DNS to work when following the guide
How did you get around the fact that plex is banned on Hetzner?
Traefik not deploying
Ceph MDS stuck pending
democratic-csi on Flux
Trouble with setup
infinite streaming with all debrid elf hosted
unable to access my elfhosted dashboard
Ceph Daemons in Docker Swarm fail to start on boot due to eth not yet available
Hello some help on Kavita please. How do i change the docker it looks for...
Expected result after deploy? empty yaml-files?
Private trackers
Torrentio addon, elfhosted loading slow on stremio
PD_Zurg - (Docker) - Not sure how to connect to it via another Docker Instance
making a service private and not available from the internet?
Zurg not showing up
Dex configuration missing `serve`
plex / zurg web-dav initial setup questions
AllDebrid Plex_Debrid Setup
Unused Disk 0 after creating proxmox vm:s unable to boot
XTeve is protected, but the URL needs to be public
Traefik with containers on different network
Traefik issues in docker swarm
Interesting git problem
NAS Storage Disks: What to pick?
Enabling AnswerOverflow
how to reinstall an instance
dex deploy - array items must be unique?
how to setup?
Is this a more useful forum (haha) to raise support issues?