NAS Storage Disks: What to pick?
I was searching about building a server with TrueNAS for centralized storage on volumes to my docker swarm cluster, but it's my first time doing something like this and i'm a bit confused with what type of disk i should pick...
I really want to prioritize performance over space or redundancy, so i thought about the NVMe one, but my researches always shows everyone using HDD's on the NAS over NVMe (not even SATA SSD's for some reason...), so i don't really understand if there's a singular reason, if i'm thinking wrong, or what should i really pick at all :')
3 Replies
I’m no expert, but could it be that commercial NASs normally have 3.5” bays for HDDs?
If you really want to prioritize performance over price, then NVMe is the way to go, for sure
I will update this post when everything ships at home, but i bought every option to test and understand exactly why choose option A, B or C :)
I found a lot of things about the transfer speed on the network, because 1G (gigabit) cable is a important limitation for speed (1Gb = 125 MB, slower than a good HDD)
and with 10Gb networking, its possible to do 1250 MB, wich, in fact, is faster than any SATA SSD... but.......
3 SATA SSD, 550MB Read / Write, RAID 0
= 1650 MB
more than what is possible with 10Gb networking, so..
as far as i understood what i had studied, the limitation is the networking capabilities to handle all the data to actually use the NVMe data throughput
(i hope what i researched can be usefull for someone some day =P)
(and whenever possible i will test the options and complement the post here)
My general rule of thumb is 3:1 HDD:SSD, with SDD working more as swap space than storage.