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Cobblemon Mod - Saving Party Information to a global Variable/ Referencing it?

So, I want to basically let players interact with a button that runs a command that checks their cobblemon party member's levels, saves it to a variable of some sort that is specific to their character, then reference those saved values later on to revert their pokemons levels back to their original levels. Is there even a way to store values specific to each player? this is on a server...

Some players invincible

Hi there. I've been having issues lately with my server. Some players (including me) tend to have this issue where mobs don't attack us and we don't take any damage no matter how high we jump off of. We're all on survival mode but only I have op. I've also deop myself multiple times to see if this isn't an admin thing. I've already removed all the plugins and the issue is persisting. Anyone got any idea how to fix this?

Litebans Velocity Issue

a proxy plugin caused an illegal protocol state when I try to mute someone using LiteBans on the velocity proxy and they try to speak


Need an admin or someone to help me figure out how to set up my new server

Custom inventory "icons" for resource pack separate from model files

1) I have custom models on my server via resource pack, version 1.21.4. 2) Models work fine but they look awkward in the inventory. 3) How do I adjust .json file to use custom images in the inventory, instead of their models? ```json...
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Vanish bug workaround?

Hello! We've been trying to get vanish plug-ins to work on our server but are unfortunately finding that we're either not vanishing, or vanishing for 1 second and immediately coming back. We've tried adjusting perms but aren't having any luck. We were hoping that someone may have a workaround or any ideas on how to potentially fix this issue ๐Ÿ™‚.

Can anyone suggest a cheap minecraft host with decent performance + unlimited storage Asia Loc

I'm looking for a minecraft hosting which is cheap reliable and have good customer support which provides unlimited storage options like bisect but cheap must have asia location.

Player statistics

Hi, does anyone know how do I check other player's data as admin/operator? I have some files in world//stats/ folder but all are names by scrambled mess so I have no idea which data is from what person

How to lower Jobs Reborn payout?

GeneralMulti: MONEY: 0.25 EXP: 1 POINTS: 1 ...

MyWorlds/ZNPCs/Worldguard for teleportation/player run commands?

Server is a backend server running Paper 1.20.4 on a server network. I am trying to figure out a way for a command to be run when a player enters an area, failing which I would station an NPC from ZNPCs to right click for the command. I want it to be automatic to increase the immersiveness of the experience. I have 2 things I want to accomplish for teleportation:...

AdvencedJobs Vs EcoJobs

which one is the best?

plugin that sends thank you for installing my plugin every 10 minutes and gives dirt

[12:19:31 INFO]: [Essentials] CONSOLE issued server command: /give @a dirt [12:19:31 INFO]: [Essentials] CONSOLE issued server command: /msg @a Thank you for installing my Plugin ๐Ÿ™‚ there is one annoying plugin doing this in my server every 10 min. what is it? [12:20:50 INFO]: - AdvancedEnchantments, AdvancedPortals, ajLeaderboards, AntiCheatAddition, AntiCombatLog, *AntiWorldDownloader, AutomaticBroadcast, AutoPickup, AxMinions, BattlePass [12:20:50 INFO]: BetterHud, BlockParticles, BlueSlimeCore, ChestPreview, Citizens, ClearChat, CMILib, CoinsEngine, CommandWhitelist, CrazyEnvoys...

do authors tend to be okay with mclogs instead of pastebin? and does pastebin hide IP info etc.?

i like to use mclogs because it deletes IP stuff, does pastebin do that too? reporting issues, the github will often say upload logs via pastebin thankye!...

Clean Tablist Plugin?

Does anyone have any recommendations for a tablist plugin that looks nice? I just need to be able to display the Server name at the top, Commands at the bottom. I could also use any direction on a good tab/chat prefix plugin that doesnโ€™t smush the user and prefix together....

Having such a difficult time understanding prefix stacking

Maybe I am overthinking it but I just can't wrap my head around prefix stacking with LuckPerms. I want to be able to give people VIP and Compwinner seperately, but both display. And I don't want it to show the default prefix if they are a VIP. How do I set up the prefix stacking to allow for that...
If anyone is searching through here in the future, what I did was put compwinner prefix weight as 5 and then VIP as 4 and put default>vip>mod in a track and did highest_on_track_vipmod highest and it worked out...
No description

Shaded packetevents and ViaVersion weird error

Has anyone encountered this error before? It happens with latest dev builds for ViaVersion, ViaBackwards and latest packetevents release Server is pufferfish 1.21.3 and probably any client, I tested with 1.21.3 and 1.8.9 The error triggers by simply pinging the server. Interesting fact: This only happens if the plugin is a paper plugin (using a paper-plugin.yml), the exact same jar with a plugin.yml doesn't trigger the error, no need to re-compile....
Probably related to how paper loads plugins or something like that, just adding ViaVersion as a soft dependency to load before the plugin (in paper-plugin.yml) fixes it

Add ons/ mods

So Iโ€™ve never had a server or made one, tried it in survival got far but not quick enough, gonna build the main project of my server in creative, how do mods affect gameplay with having corrupt files and such, I have some pretty minor mods on that seem kept up to date the last year or half year. I am also looking for a admin for my future server

Looking for advice before making my server public

I have been running a modded server on my own hardware for about a month or so now for myself and a few friends and am considering making it public (or at least setting up other public servers). Before I do so I would think there are good server side mods/plugins to install prior for various reasons to include quality of life and security. Also, I'm sure there are at least some things to do that could reduce the chances of things like a DDOS. Currently running a forge server for The 1.7.10 Pack (yes, it's old, I know) on a Proxmox Ubuntu container. CPU is Ryzen 7 5800X and I have 32GB of RAM. 12 cores and 24GB are dedicated to the container right now. Spark shows I have a significant amount of buffer space. I can provide a profile link if requested. Any suggestions are appreciated....
If the only reliable way to protect the server is to go through a hosting company then I simply won't go public. I made the server in the first place because I like computers and consider it a fun project. The idea of going public was mainly an afterthought and I would drop that before I give up on the self hosting idea.

Plugin for scoreboard in the sidebar

Hello, does anyone know of a plugin I can use to track and display various statistics combined into one (stone + deepslate + tuff + basalt + calcite + diorite mined) as a scoreboard in the sidebar?
i believe putting something like this in a function ``` scoreboard players set @s total 0 scoreboard players operation @s total += @s obj1 scoreboard players operation @s total += @s obj2...

Checking lag sources on a spigot server

We are running a public vanilla minecraft server through oracle cloud. With 10+ people the tps can drop down to 12 without anybody doing anything resource intensive like exploring or running any big farms. Through spark we can see that the server isnt utilizing all the resources, using only 6-10 GB of ram out of the available 24 it should have, any the CPU is usually around 30%, rarely going up to 60%. Spark says the biggest source of the lag is guard.EntityTick() but we cant figure out what it actually means by that or where would we find that inside the world. We would rather not install fabric/forge. So the question is, how can I find the source of the lag, or figure out why the server isnt utilizing all the resources it has?...