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All posts for Mudlet
hmm, I'll have to check adjcon to see if
Exits capture
Sounds on macOS
There seems to be something I am just
for AND triggers the results wind up
Area 51
Well, whilst I am sad that it crashed
Send text warning
Basher stuff to consider
Random command
MDK Loggingconsole writing plaintext logs as ansi
Answer to "What's a MUD prompt"
Clippy emoji
I personally use muddler for compiling
Answer for the multiline trigger
If they re copies then they should be
Odd map room IDname widget positioning
It may wait one second on some devices
MXP wiki
No worries thanks for taking the time
Discord Rich Text Prescence?
Well with the spell checking enabled I
MSDP Sub Tables
I am also interested in this problem
kill alias
Rooms dialog
Well how are you sending it? From a
The "Save" button in the "Profile