Answer to "What's a MUD prompt"

Importantly it doesn't end with a <CR><LF> pair because, like in a terminal window, it usually contains some information appropriate at the time it is displayed and you will be typing in your input on the same line.
1 Reply
SlySven ☕
SlySven ☕OP3y ago
Awkwardly for MUD clients - especially for GUI ones like Mudlet where you do not type in your input in the same place as the output is displayed, the absence of the normal End-of-line marking makes it harder to work out when all the text that the Server is sending (which is sent as packets {chunks} of data so can be split into separate ones) has arrived. This is where the Go-Ahead (or End-of-Record) "signals" come in useful as they give an alternate means for the Server to say "okay, that is all I am saying right now" - in the absence of either of those (special combinations of bytes in the text data), clients like Mudlet have to wait for a bit in case anything else arrives...

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