The "Save" button in the "Profile
The "Save" button in the "Profile preferences" is a bit misleading I guess - it perhaps should be an "Ok" button as all it means is that the settings are applied to the currently running game - they are not "saved" until the profile itself is saved - by any of:
* the "Autosave" mechanism
* the "Save profile" button in the editor
* at the end of the session where either
* the "Save profile on Exit" option, if enabled, activates
* the user selects the "Yes" button when the "Close and save profile ..." message box pops up with the "Yes"/"No"/"Cancel" options if the "Save profile on Exit" option is disabled.
3 Replies
Unknown User•9mo ago
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You might want to try just closing the profile (one of the actions on the drop-down button part of the "Connect" tool bar button) before you close the Mudlet application itself.
Also, which OS is this on?
Unknown User•9mo ago
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