Signal K


Signal K

Signal K is an ecosystem for free and open source universal marine data exchange and software.












Magnetic Variation & headingTrue

Hi, I have openplotter set up with pypilot and I'm now able to see my headingMagnetic in SignalK. I'd love to also have headingTrue (e.g. for KIP's Wind Steering Display). It seems SignalK needs a source of magneticVariation. Neither of my GPSs seem to include it in their output, the key is there in SignalK as coming from my GPS, but its value is null. How do most people get variation data? It seems like there should be a plugin to compute it from WMM but I can't find anything.

signalk-logbook watch changes

Is there some way to log watch changes with the signalk-logbook plugin? I can see how to add or remove crew members but I was just looking for some way to log which crew member is on watch.

What is the meaning of the environment/wind/angleTrueGround ?

Subj. The description is "True wind angle based on speed over ground". What is the difference from "Apparent wind angle"?...

N2K connectors

I have a couple of generic M12 connectors and I cannot seem to get them working on N2K. I'm using the attached diagrams. I have tried basic continuity testing for CAN-L and CAN-H (the center pin and pin 4), which works, but when I connect to RPI I get nothing (using candump). Can someone take a look at these connector diagrams and let me know if they look correct?
No description

How important is galvanic isolation?

I'm considering using a Pi with a CAN hat that also provides power. However, that hat doesn't provide galvanic isolation. But that may not be important because it does provide power, so the only ground that the Pi will see is from the NMEA network. Basically, the Pi will only be attached to the NMEA 2k network for power and data, and will not be connected to any other power source....

Are there any keys to provide information on bilge pump activations or high water activations?

I have a bilge pump sensor, and I'd like to provide information via signalk on bilge pump activations and high water notifications. Are there keys for this somewhere in the schema? If not, what group would these fall under?

VHW sentence creation from signalk data

I'm trying to help a guy on cruisersforum get VHW nmea0183 sentence created from speedthoughwater in the signalk-to-nmea0183 app > he doesn't have a heading signalk delta, what that mean the VHW won't get created?

0183 heading

$HCHDM,138.01,M Is this a valid NMEA 0183 sentence (Heading Magnetic)? kplex seems to ignore it....

Backup of Kip from CerboGX to PC

I'm running Kip on a Victron CerboGX. After a intensive configuration in 2023 I lost my Kip-screens because of an update of the VictronOS (reset of SignalK because of data at 100%). I recently I realized a new set of instrument panels. I'm in search of a simple way creating a backup of the Kip data to my PC or cloud - without hacking via PUTTY. I'm a user not a dev. A copy via Storage/Copy/Remote to local (W11 PC using Firefox) didn't create any file-set I can move to my cloud-backup. How can I perform a backup using the Kip UI?...

heading info

Are there any simple ways to get bearing/heading info into SK (on RPI4)? (Not including commercial N2K compasses). I have a few 3-axis magnetometers I've been playing with on ESP32 (my hardworking SH) but it seems simpler to plug them into the Pi and let SK handle the rest. I could probably install some pypilot components but I'm looking for something even easier, if it exists!

How to send Grafana alerts to SignalK

I'd like to use SignalK as a central point of all the notifications. I set up some alerts in Grafana and would like that they are posted to SignalK. Setting aside Grafana as a source and assuming I'm doing this from command line using curl: what should be the high level sequence of steps to post a notification representing an alert into SignalK? Is it necessary to login or not? ...

Connection between only 2 NMEA2000 devices

Is it possible to connect only 2 NMEA2000 devices with a single cable without passing through a N2K bus with backbone, T’s and terminal resistors (taking into account that the +V and ground wires must also be coonected to the 12V supply)?

True wind, speed & direction.

All, I know that true wind is calculated, but my question is, is there an existing N2K PNG that can be used, or do I need to use the derived data plugin? I’m setting up a new system with an RPi5 and I could have sworn I had true wind on my old system last year. Data source is Raymarine ITC-5 for speed & wind, and EV1 for heading.

Connecting NMEA 2000 to Signal K server?

What would be the easiest way to connect an existing NMEA 2000 network to a Signal K server?