Signal K


Signal K

Signal K is an ecosystem for free and open source universal marine data exchange and software.












How to setup an NMEA0183 OUT with NMEA2000 on can0

Hi, I want to send my deep and speed datas from the NMEA2000 to an NMEA0183 Output port. Do I need to add can0 in the OUTPUT EVENTS field? What do I need to configured in the Plugins SIGNALK to NMEA0138 and MNEA2000?...

Distributed Signal K (New User)

Good afternoon! Can I install multiple SignalK instances aboard, and have them communicate/merge data over the TCP/IP network? My idea is that I would have a Raspi Zero 2 W at my NMEA/Seatalk bridge, and then run Signal K on a Raspi 4b somewhere else. Is this how SignalK works? Or is it more a system built around a single primary host? Is there a way to multiplex data?...

Generate Notification from "True" "False"

I have bilge sensors cross my boat using sensesp. Amongst other things they return a "true" or "false" of the state of a float switch. I have these displayed on a KIP dashboard. However last weekend I had a bolt failure on my saildrive that resulted in a minor leak. I realised I would really like to know about this more quickly in future. I have played with various plugins that generate notifications such as "Zones" but these all work with numeric values and not boolean values. Does anyone know of a plugin that can generate a notification from an existing path that is boolean please? Thanks...

sk-to-nmea2000: Battery state of charge missing on n2k side?

I collect battery data via the victron plugin and have voltages, current, state of charge available in sk. I want to display this data on n2k devices (Raymarine a67 plotter, i70s display.). In the plugin sk-to-nmea2000 I configured my battery instances 0 and 1, as intended I then see voltages and currents on my nmea2000 devices. But state of charge does not show up. As a workaround I also mapped battery state of charge to the tank level of a "dummy tank" and configured this tank in sk-to-nmea2000. Then I can see battery state of charge as tank level on my n2k devices. What can be the problem, that I am not able to directly send battery state of charge to n2k?...

How to send PGN from SK?

I installed signalk-to-nmea2000 plugin, enabled and configured to send 128267 I see in Log: May 9 11:54:54 pi0 signalk-server[28102]: 2024-05-09T09:54:54.759Z signalk-to-nmea2000 environment.depth.belowTransducer:9.72405 May 9 11:54:54 pi0 signalk-server[28102]: 2024-05-09T09:54:54.769Z signalk-to-nmea2000 emit nmea2000JsonOut {"pgn":128267,"SID":255,"Depth":9.72405,"Offset":0} ...

node-red to signal K for 4G RSSI from router

My next project is to try and get the onboard 4g signal strength to show on a kip dashboard. Hoping to have node-red ping the onboard router (via ssh) to get the below response. Parse it to json format and extract the rssi before injecting into signalk format. Anyone done this or got any tips?...
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signalk-server / signalk-openweather-plugin / no connection to openweather

Hello, I installed the signalk-openweather-plugin on on my signalk-server (version 2.7.2) . In the Data Brower I can see the rows for the source openweather-signalk, but I get no data ...

How do I enable more debugging information in SK Server?

I am transmitting a PGN (leeway) on the bus. I can see it in the list of PGNs but it doesn't show up under a path. I have probably set a field incorrectly. I would like to determine why it's being dropped. I see it in the log for the bus but not in the server logs. I have tried guessing a few likely settings in server logging but no luck so far.
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Why do I have two different speeds over ground?

See this screenshot. I have an em-trak AIS connected over USB and no other devices. Why does Signal K receive two different speeds? What do the words AIS.AI and AIS.GN mean?
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Is there an app to feed an Android device location data from Signal K?

I have an Amazon Fire tablet onboard, and it lacks its own GPS chip, so regular map apps can't show the device's location. I could write an Android app that polls Signal K or listens for NMEA messages on the wifi and sets device's location from that (with developer mode on to allow GPS spoofing), but before I do, maybe this exists already?

signalk roadmap

Creating a roadmap for SignalK's plugins and server updates would be a good idea. It would help organize and display the ongoing work clearly, enabling users to track progress and possibly contribute. what do you think???

Need some help debugging code for Ultrasonic Tank Sensor

Hello everyone, my first post. In github there is this code - which allows for an ultrasonic tank sensor to be connected to the underside of a tank, the sensor sends a ping through the tank to the top of the fluid level and gives the time taken for the ping to return to the sensor thereby measuring height, from which volume can be calculated. This information is then sent to SignalK. The code is a little old - may have been written prior to SensESP v2. I'm new to coding and can't get the code to compile, even when pegging all dependent library versions. (I'm looking to run this on a ESP-32 board.) I've also tried to uplift the code to SensESP 2 following the guidance on the SignalK site, but no luck. I've spent a number of days on this and I'm sure someone will be able to take a quick look and spot the issue right away!...
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FreeboardSK Alarms?

What should happen when you click "RAISE ALARM"?

Is "S57-tiler" able to convert IENC's too?

Does anyone know if the s57-tiler app that converts s57 ENCs also can be used to convert IENC charts to used in charts-plugin/freeboard as described here; More on s57-tiler here;

gust monitoring/short term historical data?

hey yall sorry for the probably dumb question. i have signalk running on my venus large installation (cerbo gx) and would like to have some ability to see historical wind data (doesnt have to be very long) and/or peak wind info -- anyone have recommendations that doesnt involve also running influx/grafana? I think that would be too much for the cerbo

cpu load signalk on cerbo gx high

i am having a high cpu load for signalk node on my cerbo gx. I am trying to disable plugin per plugin, but cpu load stays high. it's on 2.5.0 - is there anyway how i can easily debug my cpu load per process inside signalk?

signalk to nmea2000 - PGN130316 support?

Hi, would it be possible to have PGN130316 Exhaust Gas Temp (extended range?) support in the next release of the SK-to-NMEA2000 plugin? It seems Raymarine are supporting this now but have gone with pgn130316 to include higher temp ranges.

Understanding correct paths /vessels/<RegExp>/propulsion/<RegExp>/revolutions

Am I understanding the specification correctly in that the correct way to specify the SignalK path for revolutions on a vessel with a single engine is for example: /vessels/main/propulsion/main/revolutions I am not sure I understand the purpose of the second <RegExp>...

Signal k NMEA0183 output

I’m still new to openplotter and signal k but I’ve gotten a usb gps puck to successfully send NMEA 0183 sentences to signal k and the server dashboard is showing incoming changes with a flashing “in” icon. I can access this gps data via wifi on port 10110 with an iPad without issue. Now I’m trying to get that same gps data to my vhf radio via the VHF’s NMEA 0183 accessory cable with no luck. Before I take the raspberry pi and gps to the boat again, I want to verify I’m getting good data out, but can’t seem to get anything to output. My question is if I have signal k set up properly, should I be able to see a flashing “out” icon on the signal k dashboard? I have a serial connection named gpsout and nmea0183out (also tried nmea0183) listed for output events, but it doesn’t seem to do anything. I’ve been trying to dig into the documentation but can’t identify where I’ve gone wrong. Can someone point me in the right direction?...