Signal K


Signal K

Signal K is an ecosystem for free and open source universal marine data exchange and software.












barnaclebill - I have a fresh install of pypilo...

I have a fresh install of pypilot and SK on RPI. Both seem to be running fine, but I'm not getting pypilot data in SK. When pypilot started, it sent an authentication request to SK, which I approved. However, now it seems to need approval for another connection "ws" (websocket)? When I click on this connection in the SK dashboard it redirects to the Connections page which is blank. Any recommendations? I've attached a screenshot of the dashboard and here's pypilot log: signalk process 989 signalkread token eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJkZXZpY2UiOiJtYXN0Y29tcCIsImlhdCI6MTcyMTU4NDcyMX0.PsfQlKzMnnrGrqX-JFx6TD7epf1W4E7n6nDzWbko9jI signalk server found
No description

ray_sabado - This is a Raspberry Pi install. ...

This is a Raspberry Pi install. I'm unable to update SignalK from the GUI. I'm currently running 2.3.0 and node is 18.17.1 and npm is 9.8.1. The install shows that it starts but then just ends with failed. ...

joshgraff - Updating offline or metered install...

Updating offline or metered installation. Perhaps easy for some already, but it would be an interesting feature to have to be able to upload an "update package" for signal k and or plugins that are installed, so that I could potentially download updates to a flash drive on a PC easily connected to the internet and then carry them to a boat that might not have direct internet access. I'm sure there's a way to do it with the package already, but as someone who's not terribly experienced with such things or as experienced with signal k as a developers might be, an easier interface for doing such might be a nice feature in the future....

ReefTheMain - I'm running into a problem during...

I'm running into a problem during the final step of setup getting SignalK running from building from github, wondering if anyone has seen this before:

Sailabout - Wanting to create a gauge with zone...

Wanting to create a gauge with zones in KIP, I see that the electrical resistance unit Ohn is not available in the server metadata. Should it be added? Background: use of the BME680 sensor for a raw measurement of volatile organic compounds VOC (gas detection).

David Godin - While refreshing my SK boat insta...

While refreshing my SK boat install, I noticed the following but not sure if it's important: pi@openplotter:~ $ sudo npm install -g signalk-server npm warn deprecated [email protected]: This module is not supported, and leaks memory. Do not use it. Check out lru-cache if you want a good and tested way to coalesce async requests by a key value, which is much more comprehensive and powerful. ......

David Godin - OpenAPI with Chromium IssueNot s...

OpenAPI with Chromium Issue Not sure if it's my setup but I get the following error accessing OpenAPI link with Chromium. Works fine with Firefox: `Uncaught TypeError: Object.hasOwn is not a function at Object.config_merge [as merge] (swagger-ui-bundle.js:2) at SwaggerUI (swagger-ui-bundle.js:2)...

AdrianP - I've noticed that RMB sentence proces...

I've noticed that RMB sentence processing in nmea0183-signalk does not send a delta when the position values are empty. This creates the situation where when a destination was active, and then is cleared (the sentence contains empty fields) no delta is sent and signalk apps are not aware of the change. I would expect that in this case a delta with a null nextPoint value would be sent. I would expect this has probably come up before...but I will ask anyway... Is this by design?...

irjudson - I'm getting a bunch of bad MMSI's, b...

I'm getting a bunch of bad MMSI's, but I'll track it down and make a PR; I want to start contributing 🙂

petsi - The server gives this error log. How I ...

The server gives this error log. How I can solve it?.

Matti Airas - Signal K server exposes a hard-co...

Signal K server exposes a hard-coded NMEA 2000 serial number of 123456 that is set in canboatjs (lib/candevices.js:65). This prevents multiple SK servers from participating on a single bus. I'd like to make the serial code dynamic - and possibly expose some other parameters such as LEN to SK settings. Ideally, I think the serial code should be per-interface if someone insists on connecting multiple CAN interfaces to the same bus (don't know why anyone would do that, but I've seen weirder stuff happen). Would it be OK if I set the serial code value to the interface uniqueNumber option field value?...

Raffaele Montella - Anyone is using an Apple Si...

Anyone is using an Apple Silicon machine for Signal K node server development? I recently changed my old intel based Mac with a newer one with the M1. I’m using nodejs version 22 installed via brew. The npm install fails. Any suggestion or walk around?

David Godin - Wind angle questionI see in the ...

Wind angle question I see in the specs that the following three paths use negative to port: /environment/wind/angleApparent Description: Apparent wind angle, negative to port...

Andréas Schütz - Hi!(here comes some naggy ran...

Hi! (here comes some naggy ranting.. please bare with me 🥸 ) Don't know about you guys. But personally I think that the JavaScript popups of the character "are you sure you want..." are pretty annoying... is it possible to give them a timeout or maybe if I could configure them to go away? Developing and testing data connections basically gives double clicks on every step. ...

Teppo Kurki - We can naturally improve the prot...

We can naturally improve the protocol if we can identify worthwhile additions

Teppo Kurki - @santino1919 would be interested ...

@santino1919 would be interested in the design of metadata editing in the server UI? There are two main use cases: - adding units and other misc textual fields to paths not in the specification - configuring zones: nominal/warn/emergency value ranges for a path...

barnaclebill - Can SK send in Actisense format ...

Can SK send in Actisense format on a USB/serial port?

Tony - Is it necessary to have a checksum in a ...

Is it necessary to have a checksum in a NMEA0183 sentence in order for it to be parsed by the server?

mgrouch - I have a feature request. Can SignalK...

I have a feature request. Can SignalK be installed so that when web UI is accessed via localhost from localhost it would automatically login user as admin. I see lots of users not able to set up admin account. They do not realize that first login creates it. They forget password because it doesn’t prompt you to retype it. Some use ‘sign up’ link. And after signing up try use it to login into their SignalK server and they can’t.