Feature Request: Multi-Action inside Toggle
Not high priority but would be a very "nice to have" feature.
Since Multi Actions run through all their events in sequence, it would be cool to be able to have some of those insides a Toggle Action.
My use case is that my Chatting and Gaming scenes in OBS each require several events to play out and they are mutually exclusive....
Feature idea: assignable button background color
When creating a custom button from a "run command" action for example and adding a text label, often the default icon is visually interfering with the text and the button just doesn't look so good.
A very handy feature (which is also missing from the elgato app) would be to be able to easily pick a plain background color for a button - instead of the default icon. similar to how you can choose the color of the text label. This way you could easily structure your buttons visually without finding or creating a custom icon for each one.
I'm aware that you can achieve this by manually creating a colored icon image file and replacing the default icon with it. it't just very cumbersome to do so....

Sync Profiles between workstations
so I found this great project because I am looking for a way to realize this use case (which seems not to be possible with the elgato software):
I have two (or more) workstations, each with a Stream Deck attached. I want the profiles on the two workstations to sync all changes. So I edit a button on WS1, this change should automatically be mirrored on WS2.
My first idea would be to symlink the "Profiles" Folder of both workstations to the same Folder on a network drive. Would this work? Is there maybe another approach to this?
Help setting up build env on ubuntu/debian
Hi there, I am currently trying to setup my build env on Ubuntu.
I installed the tauri and deno recommendations.
When I run 'deno task tauri dev' I get 'tauri: command not found'
But with 'deno task', I get
Available tasks:...
Q: Is OpenDeck using elgato-streamdeck (library in Rust) ?
thank you for this amazing project OpenDeck. ♥️
I'm aware of your message: https://discord.com/channels/1143819637897834571/1153001116850733206/1318542382622441493
I saw couple of days ago, into elgato-streamdeck library was added support for MiraBox HSV293S in PR #22 (https://github.com/streamduck-org/elgato-streamdeck/pull/22)....
OpenDeck on Arch Linux
Discussions related to the packaging and installation of OpenDeck on Arch Linux