OpenDeck4w ago

Sync Profiles between workstations

so I found this great project because I am looking for a way to realize this use case (which seems not to be possible with the elgato software): I have two (or more) workstations, each with a Stream Deck attached. I want the profiles on the two workstations to sync all changes. So I edit a button on WS1, this change should automatically be mirrored on WS2. My first idea would be to symlink the "Profiles" Folder of both workstations to the same Folder on a network drive. Would this work? Is there maybe another approach to this? I'm trying to solve this for macOS first btw. - but eventually also for windows.
17 Replies
Percy_Ikana4w ago
Windows could be easy if you use OneDrive (ew), Dropbox, you could also look into something like sync thing if you don't want both machines actually relying on a 3rd drive?
ninjadev644w ago
So far the profiles are only really manually copyable, as they have to be copied into different folders based on the device ID which will be different as you have different devices
Percy_Ikana4w ago
I somehow misread that as them using one device on multiple computers, whoops
fabiOP4w ago
i see. but in theory it should be possible, to share a network folder for all the profiles of all the devices and then there would have to be some kind of automated file copying based on modification date or something. Maybe a cron job?
Percy_Ikana4w ago
Although they could still set that up, since you removed IDs from the actul config files?
fabiOP4w ago
network infra is not the problem. i didn't know syncthing, sounds cool, thanks!
Percy_Ikana4w ago
if you setup something like syncthing, you could sync the contents of one folder, into a folder with a different name on another PC, and that should handle your useage I would suggest symlinks, but i dont know how mac OS works, and I know symlinks arent windows friendly really, I konw Syncthing works across IpadOS, Windows, Linux, etc
fabiOP4w ago
symlinks work on macos. it's really similar to linux as far as i know (just a lot more restrictions...)
fabiOP4w ago
if i understood @ninjadev64 correctly, then this folder will have a different name for each stream deck device, right:
No description
Percy_Ikana4w ago
Yes, but the contents are interchangeable (assuming, they are the same device) I dont think trying to use XL profiles on a Mini would work, but it should between XL to XL, reg to reg, etc
fabiOP4w ago
okay, so i would have to sync the contents of these folders with a shared one in the network. (or over the internet)
Percy_Ikana4w ago
Syncthing would let you skip the 3rd party, but, basiaclly, yes
fabiOP4w ago
sounds good, thanks a lot.
Percy_Ikana4w ago
Although, then the syncing would only work if they are botrh on a the same time so 3rd party is probably a more flexible bet (and how I use it for a onedrive replacement)
fabiOP4w ago
yeah, it's for my workplace actually. A radio station with multiple audio edit suites. we have a big nas where we work on. i think syncing to a folder on this nas would make sense.
ninjadev644w ago
It wouldn't break, would just get rid of / add extra buttons It automatically resizes the array
fabiOP3w ago
thanks for all the help and hints. I'm going to try some stuff. If I discover something useful, I will share here.

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