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Ajazz AKP153 detected, but not working

I installed Open Deck on Arch Linux, then added udev rules, restarted udevadm control and udevadm trigger. I also rebooted the PC. The plugins are installed and displayed on the Ajazz AKP153, but nothing happens when pressed. Running commands from the starter pack plugin also doesn't work. The counter doesn't work either. It seems like the device is not registering the presses, but there is nothing like that in the logs. P.S. I removed the Spotify authorization URL from the logs because it contains the clientid and secretid. ```...

SteamOS implementation results in errors

When starting the application in SteamOS (SteamDeck), it looks for Wine in /usr/bin/wine, although SteamOS installs everything in /home/deck/.local or equivalent, to run wine, the command is org.WineHQ.Wine, solved that with making a simlink, however, I get a ShellExecuteEx failed: File not found. which according to wine forum means it tries to run wine outside of the plugin folder so I can't get to run any plugin so far outside of the app. I tested many plugin and only the counter works so far I tested the device and it works fine with StreamController both ways on SteamOS (music playing and showing title on the device as well as sending commands/inputs)...
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Discord plugin overrides custom set images

I am setting a custom image for a bunch of soundboard buttons, but whenever OpenDeck restarts the images get reset with the default Discord image. Is there a way to override this behavior?...

OpenDeck detects Stream Deck Plus but actions do not work.

Hello, I have been trying to get OpenDeck to work with my Stream Deck Plus but i am having an odd issue. Opendeck can detect and talk with my stream deck however none of the actions work. I have tried multiple plugins and even the preinstalled actions but nothing seems to do anything. The icon will appear on the stream deck but when pressed nothing happens. Many plugins will display a yellow exclamation point in the software. Checking the logs the only thing that stood out to me was: opendeck::elgato][WARN] Failed to connect to Elgato device: HidError(HidApiError { message: "Failed to open a device with path '/dev/hidraw3': Permission denied"...

JetBrains plugin issues

Hi, I'm trying to use the JetBrains Streamdeck Plugin with OpenDeck on a Stream Deck XL. I'm on commit eb7e7c8 installed through the AUR on Arch Linux. Elgato Marketplace: Sourcecode: ...

Websocket error in BarRaider plugins

So it's the same issue on both OBS Tools and Twitch Tools. Logs included for both. My system:
OS: Garuda Linux x86_64...

Super new to linux(Pop!OS), device not detected...

NAME="Pop!_OS" VERSION="22.04 LTS" ID=pop ID_LIKE="ubuntu debian" PRETTY_NAME="Pop!_OS 22.04 LTS"...


2 things. 1: If you for example have an Input Simulation on your Profile and click on it to configure it, then open up a Multi Action you still see the configuration of the Input Simulation you edited before until you click on one of the actions in the Multi Action. 2: I think it would be good to be able to edit the appearence of the buttons also in a Multi Action or at least to be able to give it a name to be able to differentiate between multiple same buttonswith different config....

HomeAssistant icons showing up with ! in a circle

Has anyone seen this? When pressing the button on the Stream Deck, the action does occur (my lamp in my room toggles). I've noticed sometimes when opening OpenDeck, some of the Discord icons also show the same behavior, but eventually start displaying the correct icon. Home Assistant always shows this though....
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StreamerBot plugin

I was trying to set up a few things but ran into an issue. Plugin installs fine both from the store and the streamerBot website, but when I try to add a button the options don't pop up. I've attached a screenshot of what in looks like on windows with the elgato software and how it looks in OpenDeck.
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homeassistant switch not working

Hi, I am trying to control a smart plug with HA via opendeck. I believe the button is configured properly, but when pressing it I do not get any response from my smart plug. I have tried other devices, I have tried changing from toggle to an explicit on or off.
Control works fine in HA web UI.
Control works fine via StreamControllers HA plugin with the same token.
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OpenDeck window opens for a second then crashes

Hey there! I'm running on Nobara 41 and have tried both the flatpack as well as the .rpm file but neither seem to work for me. The application opens up for a brief second and then crashes....

Not 100% sure this is a problem from here, or upstream.

I have used various versions of OpenDeck for some time. And ive recently (for about 3 months) i've always had a timeout of 2 minutes when shutting down my system. With me being annoyed too much recently, i looked into it. And i found out that this is caused by the OpenDeck flatpak. ...
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Device not detected

Hello. need help with OpenDeck v2.3.1 unable to see Ajazz 153r. It gives me No device detected message in the program and here is what OpenDeck log shows: 2025-01-11][17:59:06][tiny_http][ERROR] Error accepting new client: A blocking operation was interrupted by a call to WSACancelBlockingCall. (os error 10004) [2025-01-11][17:59:07][opendeck::plugins][ERROR] Failed to bind plugin WebSocket server to socket: Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted. (os error 10048)...

Images not properly loading

As stated above also as stated in #general
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I don't have anything displayed on my AJAZZ AKP153

do you have an idea of ​​pq and how to solve it here are the logs:

Automatically reconnect attached streamdecks on replug/resume?

My streamdecks are plugged into a USB hub that's plugged into my laptop. If I take my laptop to work then come back home, I have to manually reconnect them clicking a button in the app. Maybe the app could listen to usb plugin events and automatically reconnect?

Ajazz devices not functioning properly under Windows

Ajazz device screens not updating with images and other issues with OpenDeck on Windows

Device not detected

Hello all, using OPendeck for the fist time, used other softwares in the pst with my Streamdeck and got not issues but with OPendeck I have this message: No devices detected Make sure your devices are connected properly and you have permission to access them. On GNU+Linux, ensure you have the correct udev subsystem rules installed. ...