OpenDeck•2w ago

OpenDeck detects Stream Deck Plus but actions do not work.

Hello, I have been trying to get OpenDeck to work with my Stream Deck Plus but i am having an odd issue. Opendeck can detect and talk with my stream deck however none of the actions work. I have tried multiple plugins and even the preinstalled actions but nothing seems to do anything. The icon will appear on the stream deck but when pressed nothing happens. Many plugins will display a yellow exclamation point in the software. Checking the logs the only thing that stood out to me was: opendeck::elgato][WARN] Failed to connect to Elgato device: HidError(HidApiError { message: "Failed to open a device with path '/dev/hidraw3': Permission denied" I checked the permissions of OpenDeck with "ls -l" and got this result: -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 29420984 Feb 19 05:46 opendeck I am not sure where to go from here and would appreciate any ideas on fixing this. Thanks! Log attached. Sytem info: Nobara Linux 41 KDE Plasma 6.3.0 Wayland OpenDeck v2.4.2 (93c40ad) on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
59 Replies
Terrorwolf•2w ago
Did you restart your pc after installing Opendeck and the Udev rules? There is also a command to apply the udev rules but I don't know it right now.
HosakiOP•2w ago
I did, I've had in installed for a couple weeks and it hasnt worked. Updated today and still no luck. I ran that command about an hour ago just to see if it would make a difference.
Terrorwolf•2w ago
Are you using flatpak opendeck or did you install it another way?
HosakiOP•2w ago
oh great question. I used rpm to install from github.
Terrorwolf•2w ago
Is the udev rule in the right place?
HosakiOP•2w ago
checking Yup, I see it in /etc/udev/rules.d/
Terrorwolf•2w ago
Ok. Is there another udev rule which could make a problem with streamdeck? This error is mostly when there is a problem with the udev rules. Could you check if there is a group called plugdev? (If not please don't create one) What is the permission on the udev file?
HosakiOP•2w ago
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 6483 Feb 19 05:39 40-streamdeck.rules should i also have a 60-streamdeck rule? If not that may have been added by another program
Terrorwolf•2w ago
I think there should only be one. I am not sure which one would be the right one. Do both have the same permission and the same content? Ok. Just checked: the 40 one should be the right one.
HosakiOP•2w ago
nah the 60 has different content and was installed on a different date. Let me remove that and see.
Terrorwolf•2w ago
sudo udevadm control --reload-rules Thats the command to reapply the udev rules
HosakiOP•2w ago
no luck
ninjadev64•2w ago
Are you added to the plugdev group?
HosakiOP•2w ago
How would i check?
Terrorwolf•2w ago
Plugdev group is mostly debian based systems since its not the recommended setup.
ninjadev64•2w ago
Please do * create one
Terrorwolf•2w ago
I think there should be a file called /etc/groups
ninjadev64•2w ago
Terrorwolf•2w ago
You should never create it.
ninjadev64•2w ago
On Debian based systems at least you should
Terrorwolf•2w ago
I think if it isn't there on a debian system there might be other problems.
HosakiOP•2w ago
ive got both a group and group- Looking through them now Dont see plugdev listed in either of those files
ninjadev64•2w ago
Not sure what you mean by files
HosakiOP•2w ago
ive got two text files in /etc/ One is group the other is group-. Im learning so sorry if this isnt what I should be looking through 🙂
ninjadev64•2w ago
Ah, ok Yeah, that just confirms what terrorwolf said then, plugdev is an Ubuntu thing
HosakiOP•2w ago
gotcha. I just check the groups im apart of and plugdev isnt in there
Terrorwolf•2w ago
Yeah. On your system is no plugdev group which is expected in your case.
ninjadev64•2w ago
this could be a temporary fix sudo chmod 660 /dev/hidraw3
HosakiOP•2w ago
Thanks! Just applied that, reloaded the rules, and opened OpenDeck but still does not seem to be working let me restart my system real quick and check again
ninjadev64•2w ago
666 sorry Forgot my permissions for a moment First digit is owner (root), second digit is group (which doesn’t exist here) and third digit is everyone (And 6=2+4=write+read)
HosakiOP•2w ago
Okay restarted and all, still nothin Think a reinstall would help?
Terrorwolf•2w ago
Don't think so but you could try it. Need to go offline now. Could try to debug it further tomorrow if you don't find a solution.
HosakiOP•2w ago
Thanks for the help! I appreciate it @ninjadev64 Replaced the udev rules with the new one. Not getting that error in the logs anymore but none of the plugins work still. Ill try to keep troubleshooting when I get home from work.
HosakiOP•2w ago
Current log file
Terrorwolf•2w ago
What Plugins have you tried? Sounddeck seems to need a dependency in the wine prefix. Did you try the Opendeck-Starterpack plugin actions?
HosakiOP•2w ago
I've tried a good 20 or so. Most based on controlling sound. The open deck starterpack did not work either. It shows up perfectly on the stream deck but when the button is pressed nothing happens.
ninjadev64•2w ago
Well, showing up on the screen is a good sign, it means it isn't a permissions/udev issue anymore.
Terrorwolf•2w ago
Which button (starterpack) did you try? And what did you configure on it?
ninjadev64•2w ago
From the logs, it looks like the starter pack plugin isn't even being registered. And of course it also shows that Sound Deck needs real Windows to run Try the Stopwatch plugin you have installed when you get back.
HosakiOP•2w ago
I uninstalled all the plugins and installed new ones a few minutes before I took that log. I tried the stopwatch earlier to no avail
ninjadev64•2w ago
Unfortunately I think sound is one issue that needs to be addressed - sound plugins often use Windows APIs that Wine doesn't implement. There is of course Percy_Ikana's solution used by many at this point (here https://discord.com/channels/1143819637897834571/1143819638732505130/1324501952188514437), and the obligatory ping @Dem to peer pressure him into making his native audio control plugin. Hmm ok but you shouldn't be able to uninstall the starter pack, so hopefully you can at least get some basic things working once we find out why the starter pack isn't being registered. When you get back have a look at the plugins' individual log files (in the plugins folder next to the OpenDeck log file, e.g. com.amansprojects.starterpack.sdPlugin.log)
HosakiOP•2w ago
Alright im home. I was able to get a clock and a dice rolling plug in to work. I tried reinstalling OpenDeck but the 3rd party plugins persisted, so I may not be installing/uninstalling correctly.
ninjadev64•2w ago
reinstalling probs wont fix anything, dont bother good that at least some plugins work - i think the two you mentioned are HTML-based plugins iirc try the Counter plugin?
HosakiOP•2w ago
The reason i was trying to reinstall was to get the starter pack back. Ill try it out
ninjadev64•2w ago
oh what how did u get rid of it
HosakiOP•2w ago
plugin menu, remove
ninjadev64•2w ago
oh no what happened youre not supposed to be able to do that but i can as well damn maybe i need some unit tests for regressions what did i break this time, lets see but either way it should put itself back on relaunch? oh no it doesnt 😭
HosakiOP•2w ago
haha im sorry! Glad youre aware of it quickly at least
ninjadev64•2w ago
2.4.3 coming out tomorrow then ig cause this is relatively bad
HosakiOP•2w ago
I downloaded the starterpack plugin zip from github, what is the Plugin ID for the 'install from file' option Counter works
ninjadev64•2w ago
Now i'm really confused trying 2.3.0 and it seems this has never worked? but.... what? this actually makes no sense ok, it works in dev mode, so that's how this got pushed ig, but i swear i would have tested this in release mode
HosakiOP•2w ago
All good! Keep doing the good work 🙂
ninjadev64•2w ago
but it appears not as the exact same source in release mode doesn't work. i'll fix and release tomorrow as this is really bad and i'll revert my commit to the catalogue so people can at least install the starter pack in some form u can (or in 2 mins once it deploys) install the plugin from the normal way hopefully
HosakiOP•2w ago
ill be looking installed
ninjadev64•2w ago
Went to go brush my teeth and the gears were turning in my head, then realised It's almost certainly an RPM issue That would explain why it's been working properly in the Debian/Ubuntu, Arch and Flatpak installs Because all three are built from the .deb
HosakiOP•2w ago
i can try to figure out how to install the .deb one
ninjadev64•2w ago
But you and me are on RPM-based distros Nah this issue only affects the starter pack So if you've got it installed then no worries
HosakiOP•2w ago
ninjadev64•2w ago
@Hosaki I've submitted a PR to Tauri
fix(bundler): bundle resources to correct path during RPM bundling ...
My app's resources were specified as "resources": { "target/plugins/": "plugins/" }. However, a user on Fedora reported some functional...

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