


Building a modern Open Source CRM, powered by the community





Upgrade 0.22.1 to v0.23.0 issues

Following the guide I'm running ``` yarn database:migrate:prod yarn command:prod workspace:sync-metadata -f yarn command:prod upgrade-0.23...

Invalid URL when uploading Workspace Logo (S3)

Hey, recently setup Twenty. After configuring S3, redeploying and creating a user, I'm unable to upload a Workspace Logo. I get an "ApolloError: Invalid URL" when clicking upload. ...
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Error: ApolloError: Cache version not found

Blank screen trying to login to my account

cloudflare tunnels

I am very interested in trying out twenty but when i try to use a cloudflare tunnel i just get a bad gateway error in my cloudflare dashbord i put the link to http://twenty-server-1:3008 that is the port that i set for twenty and in the env i put my link that i am using to access my app any ideas?

Filter by multi select field?

Is there a way to create a filter with the multi select field? Say for example we want to select a relationship each business is with our company. - Software Supplier - Hardware Supplier...

Upgrade to v0.23.0 failing

Hi @charles hope you and team are doing well! I'm running into issues with the v0.23.0 migration following the upgrade guide on the docs page. - yarn database:migrate:prod āœ…...

Task relations not showing up correctly

Using, when selecting a task the relations show up as empty. But when viewing the same task from a person or company with links to it, then the appropriate relations do show up. It also appears to (mistakenly) be able to add the same relationship multiple times. So via the task view, you can't tell what has been added. But when trying to do so, you might add the same relationship mutliple times. This is only visible after going to the relation and looking up the task. Anyone else have this issue?...
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Notes and Tasks

As I'm writing simple e2e tests with Playwright, I found weird case, test (which checks if the table in Companies page is visible) fails on Firefox due to different position of Notes and Tasks links in left-side menu. Is it expected? I'm attaching the screenshots for you to see the difference (all screenshots have 1920x1080 resolution)
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Upgrade to 0.22 from 0.20

I would like to upgrade from 0.20 to 0.22. There is a guide of updating from 0.21 to 0.22 but none from 0.20. How can I upgrade from 0.20 to 0.22 ?...

How to correctly create a custom timelineActivity with multiple relations

Hi Team!! I'm working on building some really amazing integrations with for my TwentyCRM instance that I self host! First off thanks again for a really solid product! I'm hoping to add in some "custom" events into the Company's Timeline and a custom object of "Automation"'s Timeline for events of "contract viewed", "contract signed", etc....

Failed to start docker

when I run docker-compose up -d it keeps showing this
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Upgrade issue to 0.22

Running on my test server to see if upgrade process from 0.11 to 0.22 During start of containers a migration is run automatically so I assume migrate is not needed anymore so I am not running yarn database:migrate:prod manually anymore when i first run workspace-sync i receive an error (see comment, too long message)...

Blank Screen after suscribing

Hello i've paid for normal plan 9$ only my seat, i'm using google connexion and it doesn't work, the full screen stays blank like this after my payment i need help please,
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Self host

I followed the one click guide. And I am getting a white page with nothing on it.

Trouble with email conversations

Hi, I'm using the paid/hosted version and am having trouble with emails. I've connected a gmail account. And using gmail, sent an e-mail to a person who is also listed in my I'd expect that email to then show up under the > people > email tab. But still nothing appears. Is the expectation correct? Any help is appreciated! (I've also waited longer than 10 minutes for any sync to happen. The site occasionally has server errors so maybe a process is not running properly)...

how to enable gmail?

Hello, good afternoon. Does anyone have a step-by-step guide on how to activate Gmail and Calendar within Twenty? I have it installed in a docker. I think I should do some configuration in the .env but I haven't found anything anywhere on how to do the configuration. Thank you very much in advance!...

Error: Worker terminated due to reaching memory limit: JS heap out of memory

Error: Worker terminated due to reaching memory limit: JS heap out of memory at new NodeError (node:internal/errors:405:5) at [kOnExit] (node:internal/worker:287:26) at Worker.<computed>.onexit (node:internal/worker:209:20) Emitted 'error' event on Worker instance at:...

Can't able to setup project local

Install postgres using docker connect with psql, install all dependencies still not able to run. when run npx nx start it will start on 3001 but just shows blank screen & in console shows unable to connect to the database please help

can't run project on local

I'm trying set up the project on my pc so I can work on an issue and I'm having a hard time to get it up and running. I tried to find a guide on the setup, but I couldn't find any.

How to access GraphQL APIs from twenty ?

How to access GraphQL APIs from twenty ? I've managed to selfhost it and created the API key Have entered the 'Other', 'IP:3000' and key Cant think of what is going wrong...
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