


This server is the home of the MAX and Mojo community. Join us to chat about all things Modular!





is tensorflow and matlibplot available for mojo or any kind of simmiler librarys ?

Char[X] equivalent in Mojo

Hi I'm new to mojo and I'm trying to learn it. I have a custom file format defined like so: in C++ struct Header {...


From the docs -
memset memset[type: DType, address_space: AddressSpace](ptr: DTypePointer[type, address_space], value: SIMD[ui8, 1], count: Int) Fills memory with the given value....

Unnecessary nan-checks: performance issue or missing compile options.

I'm not sure whether this is a performance issue or a feature request. I figured lets ask here first. The issue is a performance regression due to unnecessary nan-check for with (eg.) max and min operations. ```python...

How to rewrite this code into something not ugly

I need to call shuffle on a parameter mask of different lengths, the following code is the shortest that I could make. Please fill in the dots to appreciate what would happen with width 1024. Any thoughts are appreciated. ```python fn my_shuffle[T: DType, width: Int, p: StaticIntTuple[width]](v: SIMD[T, width]) -> SIMD[T, width]: @parameter...

`DynamicVector`, the name

Why is it not called DynamicArray? I find dynamic vector a bit tautological, given the vector terminology (likely) comes from C++, which literally means "dynamic sized array"[ref].

Determining Tensor datatype at runtime

Hi folks! I'm working on a project where I need to extract a bunch of numeric data from a file, and the datatype for the file data is contained within the metadata for the file. I want the data within to always be read into a Tensor, but I'm not sure how to handle the datatyping at runtime, since you have to define the Tensor with a datatype at compile time. I have a feeling the answer lies in pointers, but I'm used to Python so I'm still learning about them šŸ™‚ Grateful for any advice!...

Will Mojo ever become Open Source?

Mojo is a great language and has amazing potential but the fact that it is NOT open source like it's predecessor Python, is not cool. So will mojo become open source later on in it's development or will it remain proprietary and closed-source forever?

Lisp/Julia style macros/codegen

Curious if Mojo will feature this. Many benefits, but among other things it would enable language users to add syntactic and code generation features without having to wait for the core language to be updated.

Mojo + GC

Does Mojo support (optional) GC? If so, does it implement a modern GC like the JVM (e.g. ZGC)? If not, does it just do reference counting? GC is important, of course, for workloads with large numbers of short-lived objects, e.g. as is the case for persistent data structures. Wondering how general-purpose Mojo is intended to be.

Concurrency model

Curious how Mojo is getting around the assumed presence of a GIL. What's the concurrency story?

Virtual thread support? ("write async like sync")

Wondering whether Mojo will support writing async code like writing synchronous code, like Java's virtual threads. Hoping to avoid the "function coloring" problem introduced by async/await. See also

pattern matching as switch - case

Is it possible to implement upcomming pattern matching more like switch-case in C rather than like in Python in which it is powerful syntax sugar for if-else? My question araises, becase switch-case is much more performant in non-trivial examples and it will be really nice to use it instead of if-else and have improvements in performance because of that

`atof` in Mojo?

Does Mojo currently have a function to convert real numbers represented by strings to Float64's? Something like C's atof function?

JIT compilation in Mojo

Hi, Mojo parameters are an extremely powerful tool in the language. Does Mojo also provide (or will provide) JIT compilation mechanisms to convert runtime variables into parameters?...

Parameterized traits

Can traits be parameterized in Mojo?

Function Decorators

Are functions decorators and related syntax supported in Mojo right now, if so, has anyone had any luck with custom decorators? Iā€™m aware of the builtin ones like @value and @register_passable

When do nested list feature in Mojo will be fixed?

Just want to know when this feature to be fixed, saw an issue on github posted since oct last year.

Prevent inline

Does anyone know a trick or official means to prevent a function from being inlined? Any ugly trick would be fine....