Created by jku100 on 3/29/2024 in #questions
MLIR Learning Resources
Very interested in diving into the weeds of ML compilers such as Modular and Triton. The overarching motivation -- other than the fact that ML compilers are super-interesting 🙂 -- is that in a world of increased demand for ML training / inference but limited GPU (NVIDIA) supply, the ability to write code that is performant and device-agnostic is evermore important. Are you aware of any resources for learning MLIR incrementally, ideally building from basics to something like a "toy" Modular / Triton compiler, and more ambitiously, the ability to contribute new optimization passes to such compilers? I've walked through the official MLIR "toy" language tutorial and am looking for a hackable set of guides to bridge the gap between basics and real world use. I realize it's not strictly necessary to understand MLIR -- as the purpose of Modular is to abstract away these details -- but I think it helps to understand how things work under the hood. My background is ML researcher / engineer so have limited experience with compilers (ML or otherwise) but am eager to learn so as to fully leverage languages such as Mojo, Triton, etc.
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