TS error: Argument of type PgTableWithColumns is not assignable to parameter of type AnyPgTable
Many-to-many relational query issues
statement returns only the pivot table data on the members
relation. This does make sense since it's actually a relation to that table, but logically I'm wanting the data from the members
table. This can be done by changing the with statement to:
with: {...drizzle-kit: push wants to change column type that hasn't changed
drizzle-kit doesn't seems picking up the default config TS (up:pg)
doesn't seems to detect my drizzle.config.ts
when running up:pg
, it's kinda weird because my generate:pg
execution is working.
Build queries dynamically with conditions.
let dbQuery = db.select().from(orders).where(and(eq(orders.organizationId, orgId), ne(orders.orderStatus , "CART"), eq(orders.id, Number(query))));
let dbQuery = db.select().from(orders).where(and(eq(orders.organizationId, orgId), ne(orders.orderStatus , "CART"), eq(orders.id, Number(query))));
drizzle-kit: Error: Cannot find module 'drizzle-orm/version'
pnpx drizzle-kit generate:pg
, I get the following error and I am not sure why:
drizzle-kit: v0.17.6
...Conditional logic within template strings not supported on raw MySQL query
const [res] = await db.execute(sql
SELECT ...executing an `update` statement does not use `.onUpdateNow()` defined in schema
export const users = mysqlTable("USERS", {...Help with raw query
clause? (or still better a way to not use raw sql at all)
await dbConn.execute<User>(
select * from ${UserModel} where similarity("name", ${q}) > ${treshold}`...Create GIN index in Postgres
CREATE INDEX users_name_gin_trgm_idx ON users USING gin (name gin_trgm_ops);
CREATE INDEX users_name_gin_trgm_idx ON users USING gin (name gin_trgm_ops);
How to plus 1 to the current value of a column when update
Ordering by a string column but coercing it to a number for ordering
type union on entire row
Proper query results inference
Drizzle with Next 13.4.2 & Vercel Postgres Timeout
I think I don't really understand migrations local sqlite.
) in a nextjs & trpc setup. I'm trying drizzle for the first time & I did follow the steps mentioned https://github.com/drizzle-team/drizzle-orm/blob/main/drizzle-orm/src/sqlite-core/README.md#-quick-start. I ran npx drizzle-kit generate:sqlite
& it succesfully generated a migration. Good Job Drizzle!
The problem is how do I push these migrations to my dev.db
file? Do I need to push them manually? Am I missing something?
I was planning to later use Turso & switch to it but even in the case of turso, I think I would have to manually write each migration in the db shell. Drizzle Kit does not have a push command for sqlite. I'm using drizzle-kit: v0.17.6 drizzle-orm: v0.25.4
. Any help is appreciated as I'm tired reading docs & searching for similar issues here....Connecting to Vercel Postgres
insertID not returned correctly when using custom UUID
``export const users = mysqlTable("users", {
id: varchar("id", { length: 36 })
.notNull(),...weird ilike postgres behavior

Cannot make a .all() query on an empty table (Bun SQLITE)
TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating 'this.values(s).map')