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CDCloudflare Developers
Created by F0rce on 11/26/2024 in #workers-help
Cloudflare Access Proxy
I'm trying to build an authentication proxy to access (customer) resources secured behind zero trust. Basically some of our customers complained that their sandbox could be accessed by "anyone". We dont have anything on the sandbox that could hurt anyone (and API's are obviously secured). So I thought of a way of making an authentication proxy worker that has an random url that we share with the customer that authenticates the user and sends to cookie to the client that he can browse the site normally. But however I try it implementing with Hono nothing seems to be working. Eventhough my Service Auth access policy seems to be correct. What could I be doing wrong (I dont want to instanly share the code im using because If im going into the wrong direction, I'll try to find a different solution). Cheers 🙂
3 replies
CDCloudflare Developers
Created by F0rce on 1/22/2024 in #pages-help
Debugging SSR Page
What is the best way to debug a 1101 Error and tail says Error: The script will never return a response. For context we are hosting an astro site with SSR as a "sandbox" environment for customers to test CMS changes before deploying (the final page is static). But for some "some minutes - minutes could also last for 20-25 minutes" the page works perfeclty fine and then for a long time there is the 1101 Error and I really cant find a way to debug, etc. Any help / direction would be really appreciated. moved from #Debugging SSR Page
41 replies
CDCloudflare Developers
Created by F0rce on 1/16/2024 in #workers-help
Debugging SSR Page
What is the best way to debug a 1101 Error and tail says Error: The script will never return a response. For context we are hosting an astro site with SSR as a "sandbox" environment for customers to test CMS changes before deploying (the final page is static). But for some "some minutes - minutes could also last for 20-25 minutes" the page works perfeclty fine and then for a long time there is the 1101 Error and I really cant find a way to debug, etc. Any help / direction would be really appreciated.
5 replies
CDCloudflare Developers
Created by F0rce on 7/14/2023 in #workers-help
Logging Service Best Practice (Service Workers)
Hello everyone, I want to build something with workers and I am not sure if it works out, thats why im asking POGGIES Basically I have some workers and I want to add some oberservability to it. I would like to use Service Bindings for that. Now here's the question I have. I have the following in mind. Request is made to Worker One (availible online). It does it normal job does some additional "pre-parsing" for the logger (saving some request headers / response headers). The request where the original reqeust is made to does a subrequest (through a Service Binding) to the logger worker. Due to limitation of our log provider (axiom) I would not be able to ingest every request when it happens. How would I have to build the logger service, that it throttles the requests made ? or is there a better solution to what I'm thinking. I'm open for all sorts of "help". What would the best practices be for that sort of case. KV ? Durable Objects ? A cron that iterates the KV keys... etc. Thanks <:blob_wave:753870952873590814>
5 replies
DTDrizzle Team
Created by F0rce on 5/19/2023 in #help
executing an `update` statement does not use `.onUpdateNow()` defined in schema
Hello everyone 🙂 I have the following schema for my USERS table:
export const users = mysqlTable("USERS", {
id: varchar("ID", { length: 21 }).notNull().primaryKey(),
hostname: varchar("HOSTNAME", { length: 253 }).notNull(),
email: varchar("EMAIL", { length: 320 }).notNull(),
verified: boolean("VERIFIED").notNull().default(false),
createdAt: timestamp("CREATED_AT").notNull().defaultNow(),
updatedAt: timestamp("UPDATED_AT").onUpdateNow(),
export const users = mysqlTable("USERS", {
id: varchar("ID", { length: 21 }).notNull().primaryKey(),
hostname: varchar("HOSTNAME", { length: 253 }).notNull(),
email: varchar("EMAIL", { length: 320 }).notNull(),
verified: boolean("VERIFIED").notNull().default(false),
createdAt: timestamp("CREATED_AT").notNull().defaultNow(),
updatedAt: timestamp("UPDATED_AT").onUpdateNow(),
As I understand correctly, as soon as I use db.update(users)... the updatedAt should be automatically be set to new Data:
await db
...(putUser.email ? { email: putUser.email } : {}),
...(putUser.url ? { hostname: new URL(putUser.url).hostname } : {}),
.where(eq(users.id, user.id));
await db
...(putUser.email ? { email: putUser.email } : {}),
...(putUser.url ? { hostname: new URL(putUser.url).hostname } : {}),
.where(eq(users.id, user.id));
The email and hostname values are updated accordingly but the updatedAt column does not seem to be touched. Am I missunderstanding something here ? Thanks in advance, David
7 replies
CDCloudflare Developers
Created by F0rce on 5/19/2023 in #workers-help
Wrangler@3 -- wrangler dev uses random port all the time
Hello everyone, before upgrading to wrangler@3 (and now using the fully local development mode) the port was normally on 8787. Now each start of the environment seems to have a random port (at the time of trying its 64278). As the Port is not always the same and a new restart creates a new port, it is a pain to update the development frontend env or my api testing client (insomnia) to always be at the correct port. Is this a bug on macOS or is there a way to force the port to be at 8787 ? Thanks in advance, David
8 replies
CDCloudflare Developers
Created by F0rce on 5/3/2023 in #pages-help
Custom Branch Domain with Cloudflare Access fails
20 replies
CDCloudflare Developers
Created by F0rce on 4/11/2023 in #workers-help
Empty KV eventhough preview KV has values during Vitest
Hello everyone, basically the title already tells what my problem is, which I can't seem to get to work. Basically with a CI pipeline I want to test my worker (which is basically a REST api). It should use the preview KV I am using in development. But the KV is always empty. It seems like in my implementation it is using the production KV. Could anyone help me with it ?
import { unstable_dev } from "wrangler";
import type { UnstableDevWorker } from "wrangler";
import { describe, expect, it, beforeAll, afterAll } from "vitest";

describe("API", () => {
let worker: UnstableDevWorker;

beforeAll(async () => {
worker = await unstable_dev("src/index.ts", {
config: "wrangler.toml",
experimental: { disableExperimentalWarning: true },

afterAll(async () => {
await worker.stop();

it("should return test user", async () => {
const resp = await worker.fetch("/api/v1/users/<id>", {
headers: { "X-Auth-Token": "shared-key" },
if (resp) {
const json = await resp.json();
email: "user-mail",
import { unstable_dev } from "wrangler";
import type { UnstableDevWorker } from "wrangler";
import { describe, expect, it, beforeAll, afterAll } from "vitest";

describe("API", () => {
let worker: UnstableDevWorker;

beforeAll(async () => {
worker = await unstable_dev("src/index.ts", {
config: "wrangler.toml",
experimental: { disableExperimentalWarning: true },

afterAll(async () => {
await worker.stop();

it("should return test user", async () => {
const resp = await worker.fetch("/api/v1/users/<id>", {
headers: { "X-Auth-Token": "shared-key" },
if (resp) {
const json = await resp.json();
email: "user-mail",
1 replies