Conditional logic within template strings not supported on raw MySQL query

I am trying to execute raw SQL query with some conditional logic but it always fails. It's working fine with mysql2 driver.
const [res] = await db.execute(sql
COUNT(*) as total
1 = 1
${query ? `AND (te_name LIKE '%${query}%' OR te_code LIKE '%${query}%') ` : ``}
${filterTenantIds ? `AND te_id IN (${allowedTenantIds.join(", ")}) ` : ``}
${isConduitType ? `AND (te_conduit_prefix != '' OR te_conduit_prefix != NULL) `: ``}
${isPartnerAdmin ? `AND te_re_id = ${partnerId}` : ``};
const [res] = await db.execute(sql
COUNT(*) as total
1 = 1
${query ? `AND (te_name LIKE '%${query}%' OR te_code LIKE '%${query}%') ` : ``}
${filterTenantIds ? `AND te_id IN (${allowedTenantIds.join(", ")}) ` : ``}
${isConduitType ? `AND (te_conduit_prefix != '' OR te_conduit_prefix != NULL) `: ``}
${isPartnerAdmin ? `AND te_re_id = ${partnerId}` : ``};
Generated Query:
COUNT(*) as total FROM
te_tenants WHERE
1 = 1
COUNT(*) as total FROM
te_tenants WHERE
1 = 1
["", "", "", ""]
["", "", "", ""]
9 Replies
Andrii Sherman
First question, are you using raw query on purpose or you just didn't find how to make this query in drizzle? maybe I can help you to make it work with drizzle
jivanOP2y ago
That would be great. I didn't find a way to convert the above query into drizzle. Could you also please tell me why the above fails as I will be doing a lot of raw queries in the future. Really appreciate your quick reply. Thanks, man.
Andrii Sherman
Don't look and logic, just a small example on how to combine filter and pass them to .where + how to setup count() We didn't have all of that in docs yet, but it will be very soon Ping me if everything worked or not
import { and, eq, lt, or, SQL, sql } from "drizzle-orm";

const where: SQL[] = []

const id = ...
if (id > 3) {
where.push(eq(, id))

if (id > 3) {
where.push(or(lt(, 3), eq(, 3))!)

await{ count: sql<number>`count(*)`.mapWith(Number)}).from(schema.users).where(and(...where))
import { and, eq, lt, or, SQL, sql } from "drizzle-orm";

const where: SQL[] = []

const id = ...
if (id > 3) {
where.push(eq(, id))

if (id > 3) {
where.push(or(lt(, 3), eq(, 3))!)

await{ count: sql<number>`count(*)`.mapWith(Number)}).from(schema.users).where(and(...where))
I don't know why it;s not formatting worked
jivanOP2y ago
Will try it out and let you know.
const sqlQuery = `SELECT COUNT(*) as total FROM te_tenants WHERE 1 = 1;`;
const [res] = await db.execute(sql`${sqlQuery}`);
const sqlQuery = `SELECT COUNT(*) as total FROM te_tenants WHERE 1 = 1;`;
const [res] = await db.execute(sql`${sqlQuery}`);
Something this simple is also failing. I am using deno, so maybe something to do with mysql driver. But, I haven't tested it with node.
Andrii Sherman
yeah, you need to write
const sqlQuery = sql`SELECT COUNT(*) as total FROM te_tenants WHERE 1 = 1;`;
const [res] = await db.execute(sqlQuery);
const sqlQuery = sql`SELECT COUNT(*) as total FROM te_tenants WHERE 1 = 1;`;
const [res] = await db.execute(sqlQuery);
in this case it will work well
jivanOP2y ago
Yeah, it works, but fails with any conditional logic in it. I was able to convert the above query to drizzle with your example. Thank you for your help.
adoublef2y ago
@a_sherman I wanted to ask if those functions from the drizzle-orm package can work outside of Node/Drizzle? I am a Deno user that is looking to try and experiement with Turso and was thinking if I may be able to add this
Andrii Sherman
It should work there. We didn't have a chance to try out Deno, but you can give it a shot
adoublef2y ago
@Andrew Sherman ah I gave it ago and while I can import from looks like there's some node specific code that when imported breaks Deno. I think it's still something I'd like to dive into more this week so if I gain any traction will notify through an issue

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