DTDrizzle Team
•Created by jpcafe on 3/11/2024 in #help
How can i implement ilike in sqlite?
throws an error in turso
"LibsqlError: ARGS_INVALID: Arguments do not match SQL parameters: too many parameters, expected 1 found 2".
Alternatively is there a way i can reference selected fields? for example if i select
is there a way i can reference this in a where clause? I know with Kysely you can easily do that but haven't found an answer with drizzle
3 replies
DTDrizzle Team
•Created by jpcafe on 2/15/2024 in #help
Using default with `text` json mode creates empty `DEFAULT`
Hi all,
entries: text('entries', { mode: 'json' }).$type<number[]>().default([]),
results in
which then throws an error when i try to push to Turso. I suspect it's the empty entries
default, when i remove all works fine.
Is this expected or show i create a issue on github?3 replies
DTDrizzle Team
•Created by jpcafe on 5/20/2023 in #help
TS error: Argument of type PgTableWithColumns is not assignable to parameter of type AnyPgTable
Hi all, after updating to latest i'm getting this TS error. This is my db creation and schema.
4 replies