handle input value in a custom Page view
I have a custom Page
class ShiftPlanning extends Page
the view contains a table which has an input select like:
I'm trying to get the assignments wire:model property after each updated with public function updated($field,$value)
updated() hook in the Page, but it does nothing.. how to achieve?3 replies
open table record as modal from script?
I have a Resource table. When no 'edit page' is defined, when clicking the table row it opens as a modal.
In a mail, I send the url to that resource with an id like this:
ConversationResource::getUrl() . '?record=' . $conversation->id
And then, in the AppServiceProvider I do:
the idea is to fake click the table record row which has same $recordId6 replies
SpatieMediaLibraryFileUpload dynamic MIME types?
hi guys!
having a reactive field in a normal EditForm, its possible to set dynamically the
depends on the field previous selected?? I'm trying to do with the $get but it doesn't update the accepted mime types...2 replies
calendar year view?
any idea of how to build a year view calendar combining this plugin?
6 replies
custom plugin, popup not opening when its inside a modal
i'm using this plugin
to build a custom field called EmojiPicker. It's an input which only accepts ONE emoji, no text.
when in EditForm it works fine, but not when the field is in a modal form... I'm not sure how to deal with it. No errors in the console, just the popup not opening.
I'd opened a mini repo to test it.
credentials are:
[email protected]
please, any idea??
5 replies
SpatieMediaLibraryFileUpload not showing
I'm using Form Builder in a Livewire normal component.
I have this field:
firstly, when I do submit I save the media like this:
At that point, media is saved successfully in the database, and attached correctly to the model.
When I refresh the page, the Spatie field looks like empty.
I have tried to add
but no changes are.
Any thought?
18 replies
Filter queries not override the eloquent query
Hi there!
I have a FIlter in my Table Builder, in which I would like to filter by a computed property setted in resource main page, eloquent query method. I have check that the query works fine at SQL editor.
When I apply the ->query() method from filter, it overrides the eloquent query and the field is not found. How to manage it??
9 replies