Filamentβ€’6mo ago

Spatie preview image?

Why after upload an image and refreshing component looks like this? It's required to have the conversion preview? I have tried both and it makes no difference.
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9 Replies
Tiemeβ€’6mo ago
What are you trying to do? Where is your code, without code we cant see what you have done and what is missing or wrong.
disstoβ€’6mo ago
Probably like it always is, missing or wrong APP_URL, please verfify your .env and also check if you have a symlink (php artisan storage:link) https://stackoverflow.com/questions/73680721/images-not-showing-using-spatie-media-library-in-filamentphp this stackoverflow (🀣) thread summarizes it properly
Stack Overflow
images not showing using spatie media library in filamentphp
I am having trouble displaying the images uploaded using spatie media library with the filament admin panel. image for clarificatio This is the code for form schema : SpatieMediaLibraryFileUpload::...
tesse05β€’6mo ago
@Tieme @dissto I have this form... its just a livewire component with form builder.
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tesse05β€’6mo ago
the .env looks like this
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tesse05β€’6mo ago
there's nothing in console any thoughts?
tesse05β€’6mo ago
the image is accessible...
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disstoβ€’6mo ago
Share some code please 😊
tesse05β€’6mo ago
I have just this filament field lol... I think the workaround is fine, so the image is uploaded where indicated and inserted properly in the ddbb. also, if I dd() the $model->firstMedia() it retrieves the image.
'image/png', 'image/jpeg',
'image/png', 'image/jpeg',
(yes, I do generate preview media conversion) okay, If I fill the first form it all works, but it doesn't work on a second modal... maybe is a bug??
tesse05β€’6mo ago