What's the maximum amount of level-roles?
35 replies
What's the maximum amount of level-roles?
Oh right mb
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What's the maximum amount of level-roles?
Just want to check if giving XP is fixed yet
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What's the maximum amount of level-roles?
35 replies
What's the maximum amount of level-roles?
35 replies
What's the maximum amount of level-roles?
Oh ok
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What's the maximum amount of level-roles?
35 replies
What's the maximum amount of level-roles?
Oh ok
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What's the maximum amount of level-roles?
No I'm just trying to figure out how to see the rest of them
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What's the maximum amount of level-roles?
35 replies
What's the maximum amount of level-roles?
Oh so how do I see the rest of them
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What's the maximum amount of level-roles?
35 replies
What's the maximum amount of level-roles?
But it's only showing me 24
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What's the maximum amount of level-roles?
35 replies
What's the maximum amount of level-roles?
The /settings leveling level-roles
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