Microsoft Outlook Sync Fails
I've been using it self-hosted recently, and on the first attempt I also encountered the error that the sync had failed. After I removed it and reconnected, it has now been running continuously for more than a day, but at the moment I don't see any new records. Additionally, I've noticed that previously linked calendar entries have disappeared again, but instead old entries have appeared. So where there were current appointments with a person before, now only old appointments are visible, not the current ones.
But overall, it's a great thing, and thanks for the implementation! In the long run, it would certainly be cool if you could also reply directly via email at this point, wouldn't it?
23 replies
Upgrade from v0.40.8 to v0.41.4 fails due to column "createdByContext" of relation does not exist
I tried that:
[Nest] 452873 - 02/12/2025, 6:40:38 PM ERROR [AddContextToActorCompositeTypeCommand] Error for workspace: 35fc1aa0-8cbd-4b05-887f-f3756fdae4db
[Nest] 452873 - 02/12/2025, 6:40:38 PM ERROR [AddContextToActorCompositeTypeCommand] TypeORMError: Table "workspace_3721ymu0vgv4cznrw0n3rn93v.workflow" does not exist.
[Nest] 452873 - 02/12/2025, 6:40:38 PM LOG [AddContextToActorCompositeTypeCommand] Command completed!
7 replies
Filters, Search and Options not working
@charles Yes, I know a little about it, but I haven't paid much attention to it... So, the following output is as follows:
default=# select * from metadata."workspaceMigration" where "appliedAt" is null;
id | migrations | name | isCustom | appliedAt | workspaceId | createdAt
(0 rows)
23 replies
Filters, Search and Options not working
@charles I know, but I wanted to try if it might be due to the version.
default=# select * from metadata.workspaceMigratoin where appliedAt is null;
ERROR: relation "metadata.workspacemigratoin" does not exist
LINE 1: select * from metadata.workspaceMigratoin where appliedAt is...
23 replies