PDCPlayerRealms developerS Community
Created by くr on 10/16/2023 in #help-forum
on damage:
attacker is in "pve"
if cooldown of attacker's tool of attacker is not 0:
cancel event
if attacker is a player:
if uncolored victim's name is "ブタ":
set {_dmg} to {damage::%attacker%} + {muscle::%attacker's uuid%} / 10
set {_dmg} to {_dmg} / 2
set damage to {_dmg}
set cooldown of attacker's tool of attacker to {atkspeed::%attacker%}
on damage:
attacker is in "pve"
if cooldown of attacker's tool of attacker is not 0:
cancel event
if attacker is a player:
if uncolored victim's name is "ブタ":
set {_dmg} to {damage::%attacker%} + {muscle::%attacker's uuid%} / 10
set {_dmg} to {_dmg} / 2
set damage to {_dmg}
set cooldown of attacker's tool of attacker to {atkspeed::%attacker%}
これを実行してみたところ範囲攻撃ができなくなってしまいます 範囲攻撃ぜんぶのダメージを変えるにはどうすればよいですか
10 replies
PDCPlayerRealms developerS Community
Created by くr on 10/8/2023 in #help-forum
if {変数::%block%} <= 0が効かない
on right click:
set {_loc} to event-block
if y-coordinate of {_loc} is not 4.5:
if cooldown of player's tool of player is not 0:
if event-block is coarse dirt:
if {block.health::%event-block%} is not set:
if {block.health::%event-block%} is set:
on right click:
set {_loc} to event-block
if y-coordinate of {_loc} is not 4.5:
if cooldown of player's tool of player is not 0:
if event-block is coarse dirt:
if {block.health::%event-block%} is not set:
if {block.health::%event-block%} is set:
function SetBlockHealth(block: block,a: number, b: number):
set {_block.health} to random number between {_a} and {_b}
set {block.health::%{_block}%} to {_block.health}
set {max.block.health::%{_block}%} to {_block.health}
set {_loc} to location of {_block}
add 1.15 to y-coordinate of {_loc}
set {_string} to getBlockHolo({_block})
create holo object "%{_string}%" with id "%{_block}%" at {_loc}
function DestroyProcess(block: block,p: player):
set {_block.loc} to location of {_block}
set {_u} to uuid of {_p}
remove {Power::%{_u}%} from {block.health::%{_block}%}
set destroy stage with id "%{_block}%" of {_block} to getDestroyStage({_block})
set cooldown of {_p}'s tool of {_p} to 20
set {_string} to getBlockHolo({_block})
edit holo object "%{_block}%" to "%{_string}%"
play sound "block.gravel.break" with pitch 2 to {_p}
send "%{block.health::%{_block}%}%" to {_p}
if {block.health::%{_block}%} <= 0:
delete {block.health::%{_block}%}
delete holo object "%{_block}%"
break {_block}
execute console command "/particle cloud %x-coordinate of {_block.loc}% %y-coordinate of {_block.loc}% %z-coordinate of {_block.loc}% 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.05 4 normal @a"
function SetBlockHealth(block: block,a: number, b: number):
set {_block.health} to random number between {_a} and {_b}
set {block.health::%{_block}%} to {_block.health}
set {max.block.health::%{_block}%} to {_block.health}
set {_loc} to location of {_block}
add 1.15 to y-coordinate of {_loc}
set {_string} to getBlockHolo({_block})
create holo object "%{_string}%" with id "%{_block}%" at {_loc}
function DestroyProcess(block: block,p: player):
set {_block.loc} to location of {_block}
set {_u} to uuid of {_p}
remove {Power::%{_u}%} from {block.health::%{_block}%}
set destroy stage with id "%{_block}%" of {_block} to getDestroyStage({_block})
set cooldown of {_p}'s tool of {_p} to 20
set {_string} to getBlockHolo({_block})
edit holo object "%{_block}%" to "%{_string}%"
play sound "block.gravel.break" with pitch 2 to {_p}
send "%{block.health::%{_block}%}%" to {_p}
if {block.health::%{_block}%} <= 0:
delete {block.health::%{_block}%}
delete holo object "%{_block}%"
break {_block}
execute console command "/particle cloud %x-coordinate of {_block.loc}% %y-coordinate of {_block.loc}% %z-coordinate of {_block.loc}% 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.05 4 normal @a"
6 replies
PDCPlayerRealms developerS Community
Created by くr on 9/22/2023 in #help-forum
command /setname [<text>]:
permission: op
permission message: &cあなたは運営ではありません
aliases: sn
if arg is not set:
send "{@m} usage ➡ &d/setname <item_name>"
if player's tool is air:
send "{@m} 名前を変えたいアイテムを手に持ってください"
set name of player's tool to "%colored arg%"
play sound "block.anvil.use" with volume 0.7 and pitch 2 to player
send "{@m} %colored arg% &fに名前を変更しました"
set {_name} to colored arg
add {_name} to {namehistory::%player's tool%::*}
command /setname [<text>]:
permission: op
permission message: &cあなたは運営ではありません
aliases: sn
if arg is not set:
send "{@m} usage ➡ &d/setname <item_name>"
if player's tool is air:
send "{@m} 名前を変えたいアイテムを手に持ってください"
set name of player's tool to "%colored arg%"
play sound "block.anvil.use" with volume 0.7 and pitch 2 to player
send "{@m} %colored arg% &fに名前を変更しました"
set {_name} to colored arg
add {_name} to {namehistory::%player's tool%::*}
20 replies
PDCPlayerRealms developerS Community
Created by くr on 9/14/2023 in #help-forum
4 replies
PDCPlayerRealms developerS Community
Created by くr on 9/11/2023 in #help-forum
if name of current inventory contain "&7&l修復":
cancel event
if event-inventory is player's inventory:
cancel event
if event-item is pickaxe:
if slot 11 of player's current inventory is air:
set slot 11 of player's current inventory to 1 of event-item
remove 1 of event-item from player's inventory
if name of event-item is "&6砥石":
if slot 12 of player's current inventory is air:
set slot 12 of player's current inventory to 1 of event-item
remove 1 of event-item from player's inventory
if name of event-item is "&a修復する":
cancel event
set {_tool::1} to slot 11 of player's current inventory
set {_repair::1} to slot 12 of player's current inventory
set slot 15 of player's current inventory to {_tool::1}
set {_mine.repair_item::*} to uncolored line 1 of lore of {_repair::1} parsed as "Repair: %number%"
if parse error is not set:
set {_repair.amount::*} to {_mine.repair_item::1}
set {_mine.tool_health::*} to uncolored line 9 of lore of {_tool::1} parsed as "Durability %number% / %number%"
if parse error is not set:
set {_maxmum::*} to {_mine.tool_health::2}
set {_health::*} to {_mine.tool_health::1}
add {_repair.amount::*} to {_health::*}
if {_health::*} > {_maxmum::*}:
set {_health::*} to {_maxmum::*}
set line 9 of lore of slot 15 of player's current inventory to "&aDurability &f%{_health::*}% / %{_maxmum::*}%"
set slot 11 of player's current inventory to air
set slot 12 of player's current inventory to air
if name of current inventory contain "&7&l修復":
cancel event
if event-inventory is player's inventory:
cancel event
if event-item is pickaxe:
if slot 11 of player's current inventory is air:
set slot 11 of player's current inventory to 1 of event-item
remove 1 of event-item from player's inventory
if name of event-item is "&6砥石":
if slot 12 of player's current inventory is air:
set slot 12 of player's current inventory to 1 of event-item
remove 1 of event-item from player's inventory
if name of event-item is "&a修復する":
cancel event
set {_tool::1} to slot 11 of player's current inventory
set {_repair::1} to slot 12 of player's current inventory
set slot 15 of player's current inventory to {_tool::1}
set {_mine.repair_item::*} to uncolored line 1 of lore of {_repair::1} parsed as "Repair: %number%"
if parse error is not set:
set {_repair.amount::*} to {_mine.repair_item::1}
set {_mine.tool_health::*} to uncolored line 9 of lore of {_tool::1} parsed as "Durability %number% / %number%"
if parse error is not set:
set {_maxmum::*} to {_mine.tool_health::2}
set {_health::*} to {_mine.tool_health::1}
add {_repair.amount::*} to {_health::*}
if {_health::*} > {_maxmum::*}:
set {_health::*} to {_maxmum::*}
set line 9 of lore of slot 15 of player's current inventory to "&aDurability &f%{_health::*}% / %{_maxmum::*}%"
set slot 11 of player's current inventory to air
set slot 12 of player's current inventory to air
11 replies