Created by tanosaur on 5/30/2024 in #✋|help
New Node.js application not deploying
No description
8 replies
Created by tanosaur on 7/10/2023 in #✋|help
Homebrew upgrade for Railway not working. 'Error: SHA256 mismatch'
11 replies
Created by tanosaur on 4/20/2023 in #✋|help
Railway not upgrading?
I use the Homebrew installation. I've been updating my packages via 'brew update' and 'brew upgrade' but so far none of these commands have been able to upgrade Railway. When I run Railway, it tells me there is a new version available.
7 replies
Created by tanosaur on 2/19/2023 in #✋|help
Best way to temporarily shut down our service to our users
6 replies
Created by tanosaur on 2/3/2023 in #✋|help
Storing string between Node.js server deploys
What's the best way on Railway to store a string that has to be accessed between server deployments? The string is created as an output of a daily cron. I thought: - Database - overkill? - Shared environment variable - how do we set this though programatically after my cron has run?
4 replies
Created by tanosaur on 1/30/2023 in #✋|help
When does the Network metric reset?
From what I can see the Network metric is cumulative, so the MBs add up over time and tend to ramp up. My confusion is to when this resets? Else it would ramp up forever? I know we also have a soft limit of 100GB outbound bandwidth - what time period is this over? 100GB/day?
8 replies
Created by tanosaur on 1/30/2023 in #✋|help
How many instances of my Node.js server?
In my project, I just have 1x HTTP Node.js webserver. I'd like to clarify: Is there just 1x instance of the server running? This is as I have a cron job that runs once an hour. It's important for me to know whether it's just running once per hour. If there are multiple servers, it might run twice as much as I think it does! If I then install a horizontal scaler and it scales my Node.js webserver to 2x units, is it then running exactly 2 servers? Do servers ever reboot other than what is set in the settings (mine is set to restart on failure)?
9 replies
Created by tanosaur on 1/23/2023 in #✋|help
Heroku to Railway: Want to switch but scared of freak scenario of rampant costs due to code error
Hi there, I've heard some stories of people racking up huge costs on pay-per-usage services due to erroneous code. I'd like to understand how common this situation is. Is this difficult to do on Railway? For context, I am a beginner full-stack developer. My application will be quite small-sized with <2k users. Node.js/Express/MongoDB. Provided I follow relatively good code practice, is this hard to do? Any relevant search terms/articles appreciated.
11 replies
Created by tanosaur on 1/22/2023 in #✋|help
Cap cost
Hi there, Is there a way we can set a cap to our cost on Railway? I understand that it's 'pay for what you use', but we would like to avoid any surprises (such as in the unlikely scenario that something accidentally racks up a massive usage). Or otherwise is it easy to chat with Railway support to help resolve any instances of this should this occur?
5 replies
Created by tanosaur on 1/22/2023 in #✋|help
This is a very noob question. I'm understanding my pricing before getting started. Do I still have to host my MongoDB database in Atlas and consider their pricing https://www.mongodb.com/pricing on top of Railway's costs? Or does the Railway MongoDB service host my database for me?
11 replies