Created by scrongly on 10/31/2024 in #❓・help
Cannot start nuxt: EMFILE: too many open files
For me, disabling the devTool helped...
devtools: { enabled: false },
devtools: { enabled: false },
17 replies
Created by o.m on 9/17/2024 in #❓・help
How to render image dynamically in Nuxt?
The difference between the public and assets folders is described here: https://nuxt.com/docs/getting-started/assets
4 replies
Created by o.m on 9/17/2024 in #❓・help
How to render image dynamically in Nuxt?
Have you tried to put the images into the public folder and use a relative URL to access them?
<img :src="`/images/${activeIndex === index ? 'minus' : 'plus'}.webp`" class="w-4 h-4" />
<img :src="`/images/${activeIndex === index ? 'minus' : 'plus'}.webp`" class="w-4 h-4" />
4 replies
Created by bnason on 9/21/2023 in #❓・help
Server side worker thread
It sounds like you need a WebSocket or a stream on the server. Then, you could use the useState composable to react to changes. In one of my projects, I needed to check the user's data (are there active contracts etc.). For that purpose, I created a plugin that will hydrate the data and the pages will just react to the changes to the state.
10 replies
Created by TheSpik3 on 6/5/2023 in #❓・help
How to render single component on server to HTML
4 replies
Created by aonghas on 2/4/2023 in #❓・help
Sending formData to /server with files and parsing body
Have you tried to send the image data as base64 to the server? Then, you could convert the base64 into a buffer and store it somewhere on the server. To convert the base64 image data to a buffer, I have used this package https://www.npmjs.com/package/data-uri-to-buffer
6 replies
Created by abd on 5/23/2023 in #❓・help
How to add custom fonts project wide
If you are not using any CDN (for example, google fonts), you could write your own CSS file and define your font-face there https://nuxt.com/docs/api/configuration/nuxt-config#css Your local custom font file or files should be in the "public" folder.
4 replies
Created by abd on 5/23/2023 in #❓・help
How to add custom fonts project wide
Hi! What do you mean by adding fonts project wide? Or you just look a way to add custom links to the head? https://nuxt.com/docs/api/configuration/nuxt-config#head
4 replies